RE: [Xen-devel] svm: save_svm_cpu_user_regs vs. svm_store_cpu_guest_regs
> -----Original Message-----
> From: xen-devel-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> [mailto:xen-devel-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of
> Keir Fraser
> Sent: 09 May 2007 09:35
> To: Jan Beulich
> Cc: xen-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: [Xen-devel] svm: save_svm_cpu_user_regs vs.
> svm_store_cpu_guest_regs
> On 9/5/07 09:11, "Jan Beulich" <jbeulich@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > It's not really GPR state that matters here (GPRs are saved
> in the respective
> > exit.S files), which is why I wondered about the need for
> saving RAX.
> The rAX that is saved on the stack in exits.S is not the
> guest rAX. It's a
> bogus value which gets overwritten by save_svm_cpu_user_regs().
> The fact that the rAX value then gets stuffed back into VMCB
> in exits.S on
> vmentry is pretty disgusting. We should move the rAX loading
> on vmexit into
> exits.S as well for symmetry, and kill save_svm_cpu_user_regs().
Yes, that's my fault. I got tired of having a million checks of the type
"if (reg == RAX) ... vmcb->rax ... ; else ... regs->something ...;" in
the svm-code to deal with the fact that the RAX register isn't part of
the normally saved on the stack registers.
I agree that is should be symmetrical tho'.
> > The point
> > here is that CS:RIP, RFLAGS, and SS:RSP may need to be
> stored, and the fact
> > that VMX doesn't do so doesn't mean it can be freely
> removed from SVM code:
> Okay then, more precisely: modulo bugs it can be removed. Or
> we load/save
> all VMCB state into the regs structure in exits.S, increasing latency
> slightly for all vmexits but avoiding any risk of
> inconsistent 'struct regs'
> state.
> -- Keir
> > If I'm seeing things right (I didn't check this on
> hardware, yet), hvm
> > hypercalls
> > are currently having a security hole on VMX in that ring 3
> code can possibly
> > invoke them and/or prevent ring 0 from invoking them - VMX
> code doesn't seem
> > to save the CS selector anywhere, but the ring_3() test
> depends on that (so
> > generally appears to operate on stale data, i.e. whatever
> was saved on the
> > stack the last time vmx_store_cpu_guest_regs() was
> executed. If I wasn't
> > buried in hunting bugs for SLE10 SP1, I would have
> confirmed this already and
> > sent a patch if necessary (along with quite a few more
> ones, more or less all
> > addressing 32on64/hvm weakness)...
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