Re: [Xen-devel] blktap failure after 14895:800aa9f5cec9 (moves /dev/xen/
On 2/5/07 16:11, "Brendan Cully" <brendan@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> More likely it's simply because /var/run/tap/ doesn't exist?
>> Either some startup script needs to 'mkdir -p', or blktapctrl needs to make
>> the directory on demand.
> the blktap tools do create that directory on demand, and in fact
> /var/run/tap/blktap0 is properly created. What fails is the 'open',
> somewhere in the kernel I believe. Maybe this only affects
> block-attaching a device in domain 0?
The open() that's part of mkfifo()? Those FIFO files have nothing to do with
the blktap kernel module, I believe, in which case this can't have anything
to do with a mismatch of something between blktap user and blktap kernel.
-- Keir
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