RE: [Xen-devel] RE: Rearchitecting IO Emulation for HVM Guests
On Thu, 2006-06-08 at 13:02 -0700, Nakajima, Jun wrote:
> We've been working on re-architecting the virtual device drivers (such
> as netfront, blkfront) to minimize their Xen or Linux dependencies so
> that we can load these drivers on broader ranges of HVM guests. The new
> architecture has Xen and non-driver Linux code in the stub domain.
> Our scope at this point is not the IO emulation as in qemu-dm, and I
> believe our project and the one below will be complementary to each
> other.
> > port xenbus/netfront/blkfront to minios
> We've ported/moved part of the code above to minios (stub domain) to
> make the cleaner netfront and blkfront drivers working, and the
> prototype drivers have started working with the stub domain.
Will the qemu io emulation that's planned for the stub domain use the
stub domain's frontends to communicate with the backends in dom0?
Is there a public tree that you're using? Or a public tree for this
overall work, since adding changes to xen-unstable would be disruptive?
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