FW: [Xen-devel] [PATCH] Enabling ne2000 can work under event driven mech
Most of them bases on latestest Qemu.
The modifications are the below:
Adding logic in ne2000_update_irq() avoids exceptional logic. Another
modification is the ne2000_can_receive(), "if (index < boundary)" -> "if
(index <= boundary)".
Others based on lastest Qemu. But the latest Qemu adds new features, which not
been added in the patch.
The qemu uses polling logic. Xen uses event driven mechanism. So it doesn't
need such modification codes. I didn't submit to Qemu project. If porting to
the latest Qemu laterly, the patch can't influence the future, Just minding the
modification in the ne2000_can_recevice() from ne2000.c
Haifeng Xue
CSD-OTC PRC Virtualization
Intel (China) Limited
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Xue, Haifeng
> Sent: 2006年4月28日 14:26
> To: 'Keir Fraser'
> Subject: RE: [Xen-devel] [PATCH] Enabling ne2000 can work under event driven
> mechanism
> Most of them bases on latestest Qemu.
> The modifications are the below:
> Adding logic in ne2000_update_irq() avoids exceptional logic. Another
> modification is the ne2000_can_receive(), "if (index < boundary)" -> "if
> (index <= boundary)".
> Others based on lastest Qemu. But the latest Qemu adds new features, which not
> been added in the patch.
> The qemu uses polling logic. Xen uses event driven mechanism. So it doesn't
> need such modification codes. I didn't submit to Qemu project. If porting to
> the latest Qemu laterly, the patch can't influence the future.
> This is my last work day in Intel. If you have soma new problem, please send
> email to zhu.han@xxxxxxxxx
> Thanks
> Haifeng Xue
> CSD-OTC PRC Virtualization
> Intel (China) Limited
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Keir Fraser [mailto:Keir.Fraser@xxxxxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: 2006年4月28日 14:05
> To: Xue, Haifeng
> Cc: xen-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: [Xen-devel] [PATCH] Enabling ne2000 can work under event driven
> mechanism
> On 28 Apr 2006, at 01:47, Xue, Haifeng wrote:
> > Enabling ne2000 can work under event driven mechanism.
> >
> > Signed-off-by: Haifeng Xue <haifeng.xue@xxxxxxxxx>
> > Signed-off-by: Xiantao Zhang <xiantao.zhang@xxxxxxxxx>
> > Signed-off-by: Zhu Han <zhu.han@xxxxxxxxx>
> Is this code from more recent qemu, or all new code? If the latter, is
> there nothing similar in latest qemu? Will these changes be submitted
> to the qemu project?
> Otherwise changes like this are likely to be lost or broken when we
> upgrade to latest qemu.
> -- Keir
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