Re: [Xen-devel] Re: [Xen-changelog] If the 'cdrom=' option is specified
Ewan Mellor wrote:
From: Ross Maxfield <rmaxfiel@xxxxxxxxxx>
Signed-off-by: Keir Fraser <keir@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Doesn't this need a Signed-off-by: Ross Maxfield <rmaxfiel@xxxxxxxxxx>?
People have been complaining that a patch should not retain the Signed-off-by
line if the patch has been modified, because they do not sign-off the modified
patch. If a patch needs minor changes before it can be committed, we can
either bounce it back to the author, which seems unnecessarily heavyweight, or
do what Keir's done here, and sign-off the patch himself. The From: line
retains the audit trail, credit, and copyright, and it's clear that Keir
himself thinks that this patch is acceptable.
This is not acceptable practice in my opinion. An alternative would be
to add an Acked-by: Ross line to verify that the code is still ok'd per
the DCO guidelines by the original author.
What would be even better is to follow the accepted practice for linux
development, which is to bounce it back to the author with comments. In
fact, please explain why we don't follow that practice again? If the
answer is that it is too heavyweight please think again.
Mike Day
Xen-devel mailing list