RE: [Xen-devel] VMX status report Nov.29 changset 8090
Shi, Kuiliang wrote:
> Keir Fraser wrote:
>> On 29 Nov 2005, at 15:39, Andrew D. Ball wrote:
>>> Please pardon my ignorance, but what do you mean by IA32E? x86_64?
>>> x86 + PAE ?
>> It's Intel's name for 64-bit mode (or long mode, or x86/64, or
>> whatever you want to call it).
>> -- Keir
> IA32E is x86_64 mode, not x86 + PAE, not IA64. It is a official name
> in Intel. :)
IA-32e is the name for an architectural mode; there is no mode like
x86_64. Since IA-32e mode (added by Intel Extended Memory 64 Technology)
operates in one of two sub-modes, i.e. 64-bit mode or compatibility
mode, using "64-bit (mode)" is clearer.
> Kuiliang
Intel Open Source Technology Center
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