Re: [Xen-devel] [PATCH] tools: convert cpumap bitmap to list
* Keir Fraser <Keir.Fraser@xxxxxxxxxxxx> [2005-10-21 10:00]:
> On 21 Oct 2005, at 15:03, Ryan Harper wrote:
> >I'm not sure what to do about the python binding in pincpu. As you
> >mentioned, python2.2 doesn't support 'K' (unsigned long long), but it
> >can support 'L' (long long).
> The usage examples you posted look fine to me.
> As for pincpu: I think it should accept a list of integers and turn
> that into a cpumap_t (i.e., do the reverse operation of what we do in
> vcpu_getinfo).
> Then python code does not see cpumap bitmaps at all. Just lists of
> integers.
Makes sense. I'll send in a patch.
Ryan Harper
Software Engineer; Linux Technology Center
IBM Corp., Austin, Tx
(512) 838-9253 T/L: 678-9253
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