Re: [Xen-devel] vcpu-pin ?
* Ian Pratt <m+Ian.Pratt@xxxxxxxxxxxx> [2005-10-13 09:01]:
> > I'm I reading this as meaning a single VCPU domain can be
> > switch from one 'real' CPU to another and back again?
> >
> > vcpu-pin <DomId> <VCpu> <CPUS> set which cpus a VCPU can use.
> SMP domains have multiple VCPUs, so you can specify which VCPU the pin
> operation refers to.
> The CPUs parameter can actually be a list of eligible physical CPUs.
> [NB: I'm actually not sure how useful this command is -- its probably
> easier from a user point of view to specify a set of physcial CPUS for a
> domain, and have eiher xen or xend allocate VCPUs to eligible physical
> CPUs]
Working on this right now. I had introduced a field, allocmap, which
was to specify which physical cpus vcpus would be allowed to use when
being created. I am reworking the patch now that we have build-time
vcpu allocation and plan to convert the allocmap into a series of pincpu
Ryan Harper
Software Engineer; Linux Technology Center
IBM Corp., Austin, Tx
(512) 838-9253 T/L: 678-9253
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