Re: [Xen-devel] Re: [Xen-changelog] Rewritten XendLogging to not be a si
On Mon, Oct 10, 2005 at 09:44:03AM -0700, Dan Smith wrote:
> EM> xm help doesn't cause any logging for me, so there's actually no
> EM> file created. I don't know why else someone would be running xm
> EM> as a non-privileged user -- perhaps someone who does so could
> EM> speak up?
> I think that xm should be at least able to run "help" and "help
> --long" as non-root. It should definitely be able to do so without a
> stack trace. I don't like blindly running tools as root before I at
> least get a chance to look at the help output as a non-root user.
Sure, and that works now with my fix. I would have applied your patch, but
what you'd effectively done was moved the import of XendLogging so that it
didn't occur when doing xm help. That seemed fragile to me, because logging
is something that people will import more or less everywhere, so I've changed
it so that XendLogging can recover from the permission denied without getting
a stack trace.
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