[Xen-devel] Re: [PATCH][1/10] Device model cleanup.
Ian Pratt wrote:
This is useful progress, but I have a couple of comments/questions.
* should the empty config options be appearing in the sxp? I don't think
so. Further, perhaps they should be wrapped in a (ioemu ...) section?
* we should make it such that disks can be specified using the same
syntax as for normal paravirt drives e.g. file:, phy: etc.
Yes, will implement both of these.
* I presume that the vncviewer is being forked from xm, but that the
vncconect is being issued from xend, which is why it needs the $DISPLAY
Rolf applied a patch sometime back that has two separate ways of connect
a vncviewer to device models:
a) vncviewer -listen (port communicated to xend and then to qemu via
-vncconnect). This is forked from xm.
b) libvncserver within qemu-dm (-vncport). This is forked from xend.
And then
c) the user may choose vnc=0 sdl=1.
It's really case (c) that requires $DISPLAY. Also, I think the end user
needs only one of (a) and (b), not both. If $DISPLAY is not set in xm's
environment, (a) will fail. In that sense (b) is more reliable.
* we still need some tests when building to ensure libvncserver and
libsvg are installed. As the current behaviour when they're not is
confusing -- I think its better to refuse to build ioemu if they're not
Not all distributions are shipping libvncserver (for eg: FC4 didn't).
Once we resolve that I think it's a reasonable thing to do.
* we should move qemu-dm from /usr/bin to /usr/lib/xen/bin
* files like mem-map.sxp should probably live in /usr/lib/xen/boot
* presumably we no longer need bochsrc ?
Thanks for the comments. You should see some patches today.
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