Re: [Xen-devel] Xen 3.0 Xend loses network - eth0 -> veth0? (fwd)
Am Donnerstag, den 09.06.2005, 13:59 +0200 schrieb Jurgen Stroo:
> No one else got this problem with Xen Unstable anyway?
My experience is that the network is broken after starting xend.
However, there is a simple repair mechanism: down eth0, unload the hw
module (3c59x in my case), load it again, and configure eth0 anew.
Networking is then doing fine.
Birger Tödtmann
Technik der Rechnernetze, Institut für Experimentelle Mathematik
Universität Duisburg-Essen, Campus Essen email:btoedtmann@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
skype:birger.toedtmann pgp:0x6FB166C9
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