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Re: [Xen-devel] Bitkeeper

To: Tupshin Harper <tupshin@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Xen-devel] Bitkeeper
From: Jacob Gorm Hansen <jacobg@xxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 07 Apr 2005 16:53:17 -0700
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hTupshin Harper wrote:
Jacob Gorm Hansen wrote:

I have been tracking Xen with TLA/Arch ever since getting involved, and that has worked really fine for me.

Cool. I'm interested in tracking it with darcs, myself. I'm curious what process/scripts you're using to do the tracking.
I did the initial import manually from a tarball, using 'tla add' to add 
all files by hand (actually, I did 'tla tree-lint -t |xargs tla add' 
repeatedly, until all dirs and files were added), and I use the 
following script to stay up to date:
(My archive is called xen, branch is called 'unstable', version is 3.0)

tla get xen--unstable--3.0 xen--unstable--3.0

(       cd xen--unstable--3.0
        tla inventory -s | xargs rm -rf )

wget http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/Research/SRG/netos/xen/downloads/xen-unstable-src.tgz
tar xfz xen-unstable-src.tgz

cp -ra xen-unstable/* xen--unstable--3.0

I run the script in an empty directory, and it leaves me with a xen--unstable--3.0 checkout containing the upstream changes. I cd in there, and run
tla tree-lint

To see if there are any new, renamed* or deleted files that tla needs to know about. I then add, rename or delete as needed, and when tree-lint is happy I can 'tla commit'.
I keep my own changes in a separate branch, called xen--whatever--3.0, 
and do all my work there. To replay upstream changes into my own branch, 
I use 'tla star-merge -t xen--unstable--3.0', resolve any conflicts, and 
'tla commit'.
I have seen better automated approaches, but the method above works fine 
for me, leaves me in full control, and generally takes less than five 
minutes to complete.

*) in case of a renamed directory, e.g. a new linux version number, I generally start over after having performed the directory-rename by hand in another checkout, as otherwise I will end up with multiple directories with the same content.
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