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RE: [Xen-devel] some questions (xfrd, syslog, mem, preempt)

Am Montag, den 21.03.2005, 21:10 +0000 schrieb Ian Pratt:
> > 1) I found one line about that obscure xfrd in the "Xen Users' 
> >    manual":
> > 
> >        As xend runs, events will be logged to /var/log/
> >        /xend.log and, if the migration assistant daemon
> >        (xfrd) has been started, /var/log/xfrd.log
> > 
> >    That's it, nothing in the FAQ. What is it? Why is it 
> >    started by "xend start"? Why is it listening on 0:8002?
> >    If it is necessary, how can i bind it to localhost? If
> >    not, how can i prevent it from being started?
> xfrd is needed for save/restore/migrate, and isn't needed otherwise.

How can i disable it if i do not need that?

> An option could be added such that it only binds to localhost, but the
> current assumption is that dom0's exist on a private VLAN.

The same discussion was here for xend itself and the console ports, many
arguing that this assumtion restricts the possible application cases for
Xen extremly (many of us use Xen _because_ of security reasons).
Firewalling is allways an _additional_ layer of security, no application
should rely on it.

Shortly after that discussion, the option "xend-address" showed up. So i
hoped same would happen with "xfrd-address" ;-)

> > 2) Can i configure xend to use syslog? xend.log's time-
> >    stamps have non standard format, and xend-debug.log has
> >    no timestamps at all.
> The log messages get written via python's logger package, which I
> believe can be configured quite flexibly.

I look forward to new releases ...

> > 4) Any recommendations for CONFIG_PREEMPT and CONFIG_PRE-
> >    EMPT_BKL? Or just the same as if the kernels would run
> >    native, eg "If it runs a desktop use CONFIG_PREEMPT=y"?
> We run with both set to Y by default.

Even for servers? Ok!

> Nice questions, BTW. 

Thanks for the nice & really fast answers (for my other postings, too).


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