Re: [Xen-devel] Proposal for init/kexec/hotplug format for Xen
Keir Fraser wrote:
For kexec and bare-metal bringup, the PPC64 port uses a fairly
header + flattened tree of keyword/value pairs (on PPC64, used to hold
the Open Firmware tree plus Linux extras). This offers flexibility for
new virtual devices, etc; I propose that we adopt this format or
something very similar for Xen, first by putting a pointer into it in
start_info_t, and then migrate entries across as appropriate.
I like the idea of bringing out device discovery, bringup, teardown,
recovery all into its own driver or subsystem -- it seems the obvious
way to go. But I think the 'device tree' should be in the
to-be-designed persistent store, and we publish an interface to allow
guests to peek/poke that store.
I think publishing domain-information in an OF-like tree would be great.
I think we want the persistent store to be outside the OF-tree though.
It would provide a good buffer against ill-written management apps.
The way I envision this working is to have a persistent store in
user-space on a priviledged domain that exported within it's tree the OF
device-tree. This way management app information (the domain's name, an
icon associated with it, etc.) would not be stored in the OF tree. If
you needed to blow away a portion of the store because of an misbehaving
management app you do not lose any of the vital device information.
Does PPC64 or rHype provide a mechanism to notify user-space daemons
when a value in the tree changes?
I think this is a great proposal.
Anthony Liguori
-- Keir
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