Re: Building domains as a lesser user (was Re: [Xen-devel] boot loaders
Anthony Liguori wrote:
Jacob Gorm Hansen wrote:
Anthony Liguori wrote:
If we trust Linux to enforce security, we do not need Xen at all ;-)
The current architecture of Xen requires that we trust whatever is
running in Domain-0. The problems being cited wouldn't be a problem if
you could create domains from unpriviledged Domains because you could
have creator Domains who could be created from a trusted source and used
as a buffer against attack.
If you start having domains that can create other domains, IPC, shared
memory between domains, all that, you have essentially turned Xen into a
microkernel, and you start having all sorts of funny issues like access
control, domain ownership, QoS crosstalk and whatnot. And in ten years
from now someone will have to invent a new VMM layer to put below Xen
only to get another fresh start. I am sure the original UNIX also seemed
elegant at first, in the days when it didn't have 250+ different syscalls...
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