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Re: [Xen-devel] running Windows (albeit slowly)

I'm sorry. I misunderstood what was written. I was under the impression that to run Windows or unmodified operating systems quickly required a great deal of complexity on the order of vmware and that you could run Windows slower (under certain circumstances) with "simple" emulation features
For virtualisation in general, this statement is true: slower solutions 
(e.g. QEmu) that support unmodified OSs are easier to do than VMWare-style 
virtualisation. For Xen right now you'd be looking at running something 
like this on top of XenLinux in order to run unmodified OSs.
I was under the impression that the performance degradation for qemu was on the order of 3x native which would be a bit problematic for speech recognition. Is this impression wrong as well?
No, it's pretty slow at the moment. I imagine you'd have the power to get 
some speech recognition running, even with this performance hit but it 
doesn't seem very sane to burn all of your CPU on it and only get a low 
performance out :-( Also, I just discovered that QEmu doesn't emulate sound 
*input* at the moment, which is also a problem!
The open source speech recognition engines are "cute research projects". To get something useful will take approximately five to eight years of work and $40 million. in other words, we're going to need some major grants.
Good luck with this stuff.  I do miss speech recognition when using Linux...


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