Re: [Xen-devel] Xen 2.0 beta
I have the same issue here. I'm just recompiling everything from scatch just
to make sure I haven't got some old stuff in there somewhere.
On Sun, 29 Aug 2004 13:23, James Harper wrote:
> I get screenfulls of this message when trying to boot xenU:
> Timer ISR: Time went backwards: -472618592
> Timer ISR: Time went backwards: -471563592
> Timer ISR: Time went backwards: -470508592
> Timer ISR: Time went backwards: -469454592
> Timer ISR: Time went backwards: -468375592
> Timer ISR: Time went backwards: -467313592
> Timer ISR: Time went backwards: -466252592
> xen0 works fine.
> it also doesn't appear to boot but with all those messages it's hard to
> tell why.
> James
> From: Ian Pratt
> Sent: Sat 28/08/2004 8:38 AM
> To: xen-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Cc: Ian.Pratt@xxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: [Xen-devel] Xen 2.0 beta
> Folks,
> There have been some pretty significant checkins to the unstable
> tree today:
> First off, we've made it so that by default 'make world' builds a
> Linux kernel rather than 2.4.27. I know a lot of people
> still use 2.4, but I think its important the 2.0 release is
> "2.6 native".
> Secondly, a number of important MMU optimisations have just been
> enabled in the tree. Performance should now be as good as
> 2.4. We've done a fair bit of testing, but should you have
> problems, it would be useful to know if you can repeat with
> CONFIG_WRITABLE_PAGETABLES disabled in the linux kernel.
> I've created a new xen-2.0.bk tree on xen.bkbits.net which is
> where the source for the 2.0 release will live. For the next few
> weeks we expect this tree to simply be a time-lagged version of
> the xeno-unstable.bk tree: bug fixes will get road tested in the
> unstable tree then pushed to 2.0 if no problems are reported.
> To clone the proto 2.0 tree use "bk clone bk://xen.bkbits.net/xen-2.0.bk"
> NB: We've named the repository 'xen' rather than 'xeno' as the
> latter name no longer makes sense now that the XenoServer project
> now lives in a different repository.
> We'd be grateful if as many people as possible could test this
> beta over the next few days, so we can shake out any bugs before
> the official 2.0 release, hopefully next week or so.
> Thanks,
> Ian
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