Re: [Xen-devel] can't start domains
> If I change the disk line to use my swap partition instead (the only other
> partition I can usefully point to), it still breaks in the same way as when I
> was using /dev/vg00/gaia2
If I understand correctly, you're saying it breaks in the same
way (with a similar python traceback) even if you have the
simplest possible setup of a single VBD exporting a physical
This means we can ignore the LVM issue.
Can you post the traceback for this simple case, and also the
debug output from dom0 having enabled the debug prints in blkback/common.h
> So for some reason, I have a problem using any block device from xen!!!
I think we'd have noticed this if it were a general problem ;-)
Are you fully up to date with your repo? There have been a few
duff ones in the last couple of weeks, but things seem stable
now. We came very close to putting a "Xen 2.0-rc1" designation on
the tree Friday afternoon, but thought we leave a few tests
running over the weekend.
I just noticed that 2.4.27 and 2.6.8 have just come out, so I
guess we should upgrade before declaring the 2.0 release
candidate. Oh well...
> One mistake I made earlier was having some old 1.2 files lying around from
> when I tested this server a while ago. I think I have cleaned them up, but
> apart from the possibility of 2.6 causing a problem, that's my most likely
> cause. Where should I look for stale files?
'make uninstall' is fairly brutal but should clear things out.
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