On Jul 31, 2004, at 7:48 AM, Ian Pratt wrote:
The "Failed MMU update" messages are very interesting, and I've
never seen them before -- xen is refusing to transfer the page to
dom1 for some reason. Please can you try doing the same with a
debug=y build of Xen. Xen should tell us a bit more about why
it's refusing the request.
I've gotten several "Failed MMU update" messages, with debug=y compiled
Xen kernels and all debugging options enabled in the kernel.
Unfortunately, there wasn't a whole lot else output in any of the cases
where I would see "Failed MMU update" and then a crash. I haven't had
a chance to really touch Xen for a little over a week now, and I'd seen
it for at least a week or so before that, so I'm reasonably certain
none of the recent block changes were in any of the code that output
the MMU errors.
I can't find the specific messages now (I'm at work, and in a meeting
too. oh, but I'm paying attention to the meeting ... ;) but one of
the last couple of posts I've made to the list included a ton of the
debug output from Xen during the MMU crash. The only thing I saw
unusual was some sort of "protection fault" or something on the Xen
console a few minutes before the MMU error/crash popped up.
Also, almost always, the "failed MMU update" happens at the very end of
a crash, just before the system reboots. i.e. the system becomes
unstable and I reboot or it crashes and reboots itself, and the last
message on the console before the reboot is usually the "failed MMU
update" message.
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