> Strange thing. I can start "xend start" without any error msgs, but
> when I try to start a domain "xm create vmid=1" (also tried with turn
> of som functions and checked the /etc/xen/xmdefaults/xmdefaults) it
> halts for a long time and times out.
> (110, 'Connection timed out")
> Error: Error connecting to xend, is xend runnig?
> (and yes, Xend is running - I have the lastest pull)
> It seems like xm is not aware of that xend is running, what can the
> conflict be?
This is very odd.
I'm running 1.1084 and it seems to work fine for me.
Have you tried clearing out your old xen tools and libraries
in case there's some strange conflict?
cp -a /etc/xen /etc/xen.old
rm -rf "/etc/xen /usr/lib/python2.2/site-packages/xen* /usr/lib/libxc*
[or make 'uninstall']
Then do a 'make install' and copy/merge back any config files
you've edited.
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