Re: [Xen-devel] QLogic Fibre Channel HBA Support
> > If you temporarily run out of entropy, it should only ever be the
> > particular user-space process that's reading from /dev/random
> > that blocks. Everything else should carry on fine in the meantime.
> A little hard to tell -- in our case, hangs happen days after startup,
> are pingable, but can't ssh in, don't respond to http requests, don't
> show new syslog entries, etc. Some of these (maybe not syslog) might be
> explained by named hanging, for instance, since it uses /dev/random (but
> I haven't looked to see what named does with it -- maybe only sortlist
> randomization). That plus a dose of not knowing what to look for at the
> time could have made them look like a total inability to execute
> userspace code and/or write to the root filesystem.
If you've got a console connection it should be pretty easy to
tell whether its just one process blocked on /dev/random or the
whole of the kernel sick due to an NFS deadlock.
I believe the former to be most likely solved, which does suggest
the latter. Once you have iSCSI or the SAN set up I'd hope the
hangs disappear.
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