Re: [Xen-devel] multicast?
" Multicast certainly does not have explicit support within Xen at the moment
" -- the current zero-copy code kind of implies single-sender,
I'm no multicast expert, but from the reading of the sources it looks to
me like multicast sends are no problem, but multicast receives require
that the NIC be told what multicast addresses to pay attention to.
Xen itself appears to have this code: xeno-1.2.bk/xen/net/dev_mcast.c
However the xenolinux network driver doesn't seem to have
the set_multicast_list() function implemented. I'm guessing this would
need some sort of new hypervisor call?
Result is domains in xen-1.2 can send to multicast addresses but cannot receive.
Multicast is not critical, just useful, so I'll wait for the brave new
IO world before pursuing it more.
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