Re: [Xen-devel] mingetty on console on demo disk
> Maybe pulling xend into telnetd itself would work?
> In my environment I run a bunch of OS simulators for testing. The test
> harness manages the interface to the simulator itself so it effectively
> owns the pty. Some of the developers wanted to be able to interact with
> the console while the tests were running under the harness. The first
> thing I tried doing was just writing some python code that would
> multiplex a connection. I quickly discovered that that wasn't adequate
> for having a well-behaved telnet connection. There is a lot of terminal
> negotiation that goes on under the covers with telnetd. What I ended up
> doing was hacking telnetd internal interfaces to be re-entrant so that
> they could allow multiple connections to the same pty at once.
> Perhaps you could also customize telnetd to leverage all the telnet
> negoatiation code. Ideally, of course, you'd pull the negotiation code
> out of telnet. However, that would be a bigger undertaking.
Actually I think that telnet is most likely the wrong thing to be
using here. Perhaps it would be better to write a dumb terminal
program that exchanges 8-bit clean characters between local console
and a TCP socket -- then we can add in smartness for things like
probing terminal size on an as-needed basis.
-- Keir
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