Re: [Xen-devel] Excellent work; some questions, observations
On Fri, Oct 03 03 at 3:01:41PM +0100, Ian Pratt wrote:
> > What I wasn't able to do was replicate the environment of the CD
> > sufficiently to get a domain running. xenctl works, and I can create a
> > domain, but when running the newdomain script, it would fail when
> > mapping the cdrom_link. Apparently a control file in /var/lib/xen
> > dealing with virtual devices is missing.
> Ignore the error about the missing file in
> /var/lib/xen/vdstat.xml -- you only have this file if you've
> created virtual disks (rather than physical partitions), which
> I'm guessing you haven't.
I should've made it more clear that this was a warning, not an error,
when I rewrote the command line interface. You should be able to touch
vdstat.xml to make the warning go away, as xenctl's parser won't actually
care if the file is empty.
> > Anybody considering work on a single-step debugger/monitor for a domain?
> > That would make ring 0/1 OS debugging _very_ interesting.
> There's certainly a plan to use Xen for debugging of distributed
> applications by running multiple simulated nodes on the same
> machine under close control. Single-step is certainly a
> possibility.
This is one feature that I might be interested in looking into, if I'm
not going to do XenoXP stuff.. it would probbaly help the XenoXP port
too since the windows kernel debugger doesn't work properly under Xen..
Once I get a moment I might look into how to approach this.
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