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Safely lose 1-2 pounds per day before the holidays arrive. $69 and free

To: <xen-cim@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Safely lose 1-2 pounds per day before the holidays arrive. $69 and free shipping
From: "QUEEN DAINE" <kelidelta@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 03 Aug 2011 10:22:41 +0300
Delivery-date: Tue, 02 Aug 2011 23:26:06 -0700
Envelope-to: www-data@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
##@1 HCG Diet lose lbs Or Your Money Back!

Safely lose 1-2 pounds per day before the holidays arrive. $69 and free shipping. where else are you guaranteed to lose weight, or get your money back.

Buy the HCG Diet today!
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  • Safely lose 1-2 pounds per day before the holidays arrive. $69 and free shipping, QUEEN DAINE <=