I have put together a bash script which constructs the xml input file
for most of the cimtester (intrinsic) tests: EnumInstances,
Associations, References, GetInstance, Sanity, EnumInstanceNames,
AssociatorNames, ReferenceNames. I can explain the details of how it
works in a README file. The test results are not very spectacular;
sanity test was the most insightful in terms of where we need to work.
I will post all the test results and their explanations in another
Jim, in response to your question about calling external tests - yes,
that can definitely be done. I successfully called a python script from
within cimtester. In fact, I called your python script up to the point
of defining a vm, and then invoked the
Xen_ComputerSystem.RequestStateChange method to start it via internal
cimtester methods. I also cleaned up the python script a bit, added
some print statements for clarity and some comments in case anyone else
wanted to pick this up. I am attaching it here in case you want to use
any of it.
I suggest we add a testing directory to the main tree and put all the
relevant stuff in there - that's how I have it set up on my box.
Description: test.py
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