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[Xen-changelog] [xen-unstable] Remus: use IFB for net buffer on newer ke

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Subject: [Xen-changelog] [xen-unstable] Remus: use IFB for net buffer on newer kernels
From: Xen patchbot-unstable <patchbot-unstable@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 04 May 2010 13:20:20 -0700
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# HG changeset patch
# User Keir Fraser <keir.fraser@xxxxxxxxxx>
# Date 1272962165 -3600
# Node ID 0f403a63ef6bdba3867c77bfb0da35d2e386d192
# Parent  ca9519f09563566977d8009b347b93cd01d9089f
Remus: use IFB for net buffer on newer kernels

IMQ does not work with ebtables on 2.6.31, and IFB is not a
third-party patch.

Signed-off-by: Brendan Cully <brendan@xxxxxxxxx>
 tools/python/xen/remus/device.py |  280 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
 tools/remus/remus                |    5 
 2 files changed, 243 insertions(+), 42 deletions(-)

diff -r ca9519f09563 -r 0f403a63ef6b tools/python/xen/remus/device.py
--- a/tools/python/xen/remus/device.py  Tue May 04 09:35:42 2010 +0100
+++ b/tools/python/xen/remus/device.py  Tue May 04 09:36:05 2010 +0100
@@ -6,6 +6,9 @@ import os
 import netlink, qdisc, util
+class ReplicatedDiskException(Exception): pass
+class BufferedNICException(Exception): pass
 class CheckpointedDevice(object):
     'Base class for buffered devices'
@@ -20,8 +23,6 @@ class CheckpointedDevice(object):
     def commit(self):
         'called when backup has acknowledged checkpoint reception'
-class ReplicatedDiskException(Exception): pass
 class ReplicatedDisk(CheckpointedDevice):
@@ -62,36 +63,223 @@ class ReplicatedDisk(CheckpointedDevice)
         if msg != 'done':
             print 'Unknown message: %s' % msg
-class BufferedNICException(Exception): pass
+### Network
+# shared rtnl handle
+_rth = None
+def getrth():
+    global _rth
+    if not _rth:
+        _rth = netlink.rtnl()
+    return _rth
+class Netbuf(object):
+    "Proxy for netdev with a queueing discipline"
+    @staticmethod
+    def devclass():
+        "returns the name of this device class"
+        return 'unknown'
+    @classmethod
+    def available(cls):
+        "returns True if this module can proxy the device"
+        return cls._hasdev(cls.devclass())
+    def __init__(self, devname):
+        self.devname = devname
+        self.vif = None
+    # override in subclasses
+    def install(self, vif):
+        "set up proxy on device"
+        raise BufferedNICException('unimplemented')
+    def uninstall(self):
+        "remove proxy on device"
+        raise BufferedNICException('unimplemented')
+    # protected
+    @staticmethod
+    def _hasdev(devclass):
+        """check for existence of device, attempting to load kernel
+        module if not present"""
+        devname = '%s0' % devclass
+        rth = getrth()
+        if rth.getlink(devname):
+            return True
+        if util.modprobe(devclass) and rth.getlink(devname):
+            return True
+        return False
+class IFBBuffer(Netbuf):
+    """Capture packets arriving on a VIF using an ingress filter and tc
+    mirred action to forward them to an IFB device.
+    """
+    @staticmethod
+    def devclass():
+        return 'ifb'
+    def install(self, vif):
+        self.vif = vif
+        # voodoo from 
+        util.runcmd('ip link set %s up' % self.devname)
+        util.runcmd('tc qdisc add dev %s ingress' % vif.dev)
+        util.runcmd('tc filter add dev %s parent ffff: proto ip pref 10 '
+                    'u32 match u32 0 0 action mirred egress redirect '
+                    'dev %s' % (vif.dev, self.devname))
+    def uninstall(self):
+        util.runcmd('tc filter del dev %s parent ffff: proto ip pref 10 u32' \
+                        % self.vif.dev)
+        util.runcmd('tc qdisc del dev %s ingress' % self.vif.dev)
+        util.runcmd('ip link set %s down' % self.devname)
+class IMQBuffer(Netbuf):
+    """Redirect packets coming in on vif to an IMQ device."""
+    imqebt = '/usr/lib/xen/bin/imqebt'
+    @staticmethod
+    def devclass():
+        return 'imq'
+    def install(self, vif):
+        # stopgap hack to set up IMQ for an interface. Wrong in many ways.
+        self.vif = vif
+        for mod in ['imq', 'ebt_imq']:
+            util.runcmd(['modprobe', mod])
+        util.runcmd("ip link set %s up" % self.devname)
+        util.runcmd("%s -F FORWARD" % self.imqebt)
+        util.runcmd("%s -A FORWARD -i %s -j imq --todev %s" % (self.imqebt, 
vif.dev, self.devname))
+    def uninstall(self):
+        util.runcmd("%s -F FORWARD" % self.imqebt)
+        util.runcmd('ip link set %s down' % self.devname)
+# in order of desirability
+netbuftypes = [IFBBuffer, IMQBuffer]
+def selectnetbuf():
+    "Find the best available buffer type"
+    for driver in netbuftypes:
+        if driver.available():
+            return driver
+    raise BufferedNICException('no net buffer available')
+class Netbufpool(object):
+    """Allocates/releases proxy netdevs (IMQ/IFB)
+    A file contains a list of entries of the form <pid>:<device>\n
+    To allocate a device, lock the file, then claim a new device if
+    one is free. If there are no free devices, check each PID for liveness
+    and take a device if the PID is dead, otherwise return failure.
+    Add an entry to the file before releasing the lock.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, netbufclass):
+        "Create a pool of Device"
+        self.netbufclass = netbufclass
+        self.path = '/var/run/remus/' + self.netbufclass.devclass()
+        self.devices = self.getdevs()
+        pooldir = os.path.dirname(self.path)
+        if not os.path.exists(pooldir):
+            os.makedirs(pooldir, 0755)
+    def get(self):
+        "allocate a free device"
+        def getfreedev(table):
+            for dev in self.devices:
+                if dev not in table or not util.checkpid(table[dev]):
+                    return dev
+            return None
+        lock = util.Lock(self.path)
+        table = self.load()
+        dev = getfreedev(table)
+        if not dev:
+            lock.unlock()
+            raise BufferedNICException('no free devices')
+        dev = self.netbufclass(dev)
+        table[dev.devname] = os.getpid()
+        self.save(table)
+        lock.unlock()
+        return dev
+    def put(self, dev):
+        "release claim on device"
+        lock = util.Lock(self.path)
+        table = self.load()
+        del table[dev.devname]
+        self.save(table)
+        lock.unlock()
+    # private
+    def load(self):
+        """load and parse allocation table"""
+        table = {}
+        if not os.path.exists(self.path):
+            return table
+        fd = open(self.path)
+        for line in fd.readlines():
+            iface, pid = line.strip().split()
+            table[iface] = int(pid)
+        fd.close()
+        return table
+    def save(self, table):
+        """write table to disk"""
+        lines = ['%s %d\n' % (iface, table[iface]) for iface in sorted(table)]
+        fd = open(self.path, 'w')
+        fd.writelines(lines)
+        fd.close()
+    def getdevs(self):
+        """find all available devices of our device type"""
+        ifaces = []
+        for line in util.runcmd('ifconfig -a -s').splitlines():
+            iface = line.split()[0]
+            if iface.startswith(self.netbufclass.devclass()):
+                ifaces.append(iface)
+        return ifaces
 class BufferedNIC(CheckpointedDevice):
     Buffer a protected domain's network output between rounds so that
     nothing is issued that a failover might not know about.
-    # shared rtnetlink handle
-    rth = None
-    def __init__(self, domid):
+    def __init__(self, vif):
         self.installed = False
-        if not self.rth:
-            self.rth = netlink.rtnl()
-        self.devname = self._startimq(domid)
-        dev = self.rth.getlink(self.devname)
-        if not dev:
-            raise BufferedNICException('could not find device %s' % 
-        self.dev = dev['index']
-        self.handle = qdisc.TC_H_ROOT
-        self.q = qdisc.QueueQdisc()
+        self.vif = vif
+        self.pool = Netbufpool(selectnetbuf())
+        self.rth = getrth()
+        self.setup()
     def __del__(self):
     def postsuspend(self):
         if not self.installed:
-            self._setup()
+            self.install()
@@ -100,41 +288,53 @@ class BufferedNIC(CheckpointedDevice):
         the backup'''
+    # private
     def _sendqmsg(self, action):
         self.q.action = action
-        req = qdisc.changerequest(self.dev, self.handle, self.q)
+        req = qdisc.changerequest(self.bufdevno, self.handle, self.q)
-    def _setup(self):
-        q = self.rth.getqdisc(self.dev)
+        return True
+    def setup(self):
+        """install Remus queue on VIF outbound traffic"""
+        self.bufdev = self.pool.get()
+        devname = self.bufdev.devname
+        bufdev = self.rth.getlink(devname)
+        if not bufdev:
+            raise BufferedNICException('could not find device %s' % devname)
+        self.bufdev.install(self.vif)
+        self.bufdevno = bufdev['index']
+        self.handle = qdisc.TC_H_ROOT
+        self.q = qdisc.QueueQdisc()
+        if not util.modprobe('sch_queue'):
+            raise BufferedNICException('could not load sch_queue module')
+    def install(self):
+        devname = self.bufdev.devname
+        q = self.rth.getqdisc(self.bufdevno)
         if q:
             if q['kind'] == 'queue':
                 self.installed = True
             if q['kind'] != 'pfifo_fast':
                 raise BufferedNICException('there is already a queueing '
-                                           'discipline on %s' % self.devname)
-        print 'installing buffer on %s' % self.devname
-        req = qdisc.addrequest(self.dev, self.handle, self.q)
+                                           'discipline on %s' % devname)
+        print ('installing buffer on %s... ' % devname),
+        req = qdisc.addrequest(self.bufdevno, self.handle, self.q)
         self.installed = True
+        print 'done.'
     def uninstall(self):
         if self.installed:
-            req = qdisc.delrequest(self.dev, self.handle)
+            req = qdisc.delrequest(self.bufdevno, self.handle)
             self.installed = False
-    def _startimq(self, domid):
-        # stopgap hack to set up IMQ for an interface. Wrong in many ways.
-        imqebt = '/usr/lib/xen/bin/imqebt'
-        imqdev = 'imq0'
-        vid = 'vif%d.0' % domid
-        for mod in ['sch_queue', 'imq', 'ebt_imq']:
-            util.runcmd(['modprobe', mod])
-        util.runcmd("ip link set %s up" % (imqdev))
-        util.runcmd("%s -F FORWARD" % (imqebt))
-        util.runcmd("%s -A FORWARD -i %s -j imq --todev %s" % (imqebt, vid, 
-        return imqdev
+        self.bufdev.uninstall()
+        self.pool.put(self.bufdev)
diff -r ca9519f09563 -r 0f403a63ef6b tools/remus/remus
--- a/tools/remus/remus Tue May 04 09:35:42 2010 +0100
+++ b/tools/remus/remus Tue May 04 09:36:05 2010 +0100
@@ -9,7 +9,8 @@ import optparse, os, re, select, signal,
 import optparse, os, re, select, signal, sys, time
 from xen.remus import save, util, vm
-from xen.remus.device import ReplicatedDisk, BufferedNIC
+from xen.remus.device import ReplicatedDisk, ReplicatedDiskException
+from xen.remus.device import BufferedNIC, BufferedNICException
 from xen.xend import XendOptions
 class CfgException(Exception): pass
@@ -115,7 +116,7 @@ def run(cfg):
     if cfg.netbuffer:
         for vif in dom.vifs:
-            bufs.append(Netbuffer(dom.domid))
+            bufs.append(BufferedNIC(vif))
     fd = save.MigrationSocket((cfg.host, cfg.port))

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