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[Xen-changelog] Add missing parallax makefile.

# HG changeset patch
# User akw27@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
# Node ID 1d240086de52f7ace9b0dc47b2db85a54696233a
# Parent  f3f48305925034ce4a023bd0913ed4cf1866fccb
Add missing parallax makefile.
Seems to have vanished in the directory shuffle of last month.

Signed-off-by: andrew.warfield@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Signed-off-by: Nguyen Anh Quynh <aquynh@xxxxxxxxx>

diff -r f3f483059250 -r 1d240086de52 tools/blktap/parallax/Makefile
--- /dev/null   Thu Aug  4 14:32:21 2005
+++ b/tools/blktap/parallax/Makefile    Thu Aug  4 15:02:09 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+XEN_ROOT = ../../..
+include $(XEN_ROOT)/tools/Rules.mk
+INSTALL         = install
+INSTALL_PROG    = $(INSTALL) -m0755
+INSTALL_DIR     = $(INSTALL) -d -m0755
+INCLUDES += -I.. -I/usr/include -I $(XEN_LIBXC)
+LDFLAGS = -L.. -lpthread -lz -lblktap
+#PLX_SRCS := 
+PLX_SRCS := vdi.c 
+PLX_SRCS += radix.c 
+PLX_SRCS += snaplog.c
+PLX_SRCS += blockstore.c 
+PLX_SRCS += block-async.c
+PLX_SRCS += requests-async.c
+PLX_SRCS += parallax.c
+VDI_TOOLS := vdi_create
+VDI_TOOLS += vdi_list
+VDI_TOOLS += vdi_snap
+VDI_TOOLS += vdi_snap_list
+VDI_TOOLS += vdi_snap_delete
+VDI_TOOLS += vdi_fill
+VDI_TOOLS += vdi_tree
+VDI_TOOLS += vdi_validate
+CFLAGS   += -Wall
+CFLAGS   += -Werror
+CFLAGS   += -Wno-unused
+#CFLAGS   += -O3
+CFLAGS   += -g3
+CFLAGS   += -fno-strict-aliasing
+# Get gcc to generate the dependencies for us.
+CFLAGS   += -Wp,-MD,.$(@F).d
+DEPS     = .*.d
+OBJS     = $(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(SRCS))
+IBINS    = parallax $(VDI_TOOLS)
+all: $(VDI_TOOLS) parallax blockstored
+install: all
+       rm -rf *.o *~ $(DEPS) xen TAGS $(VDI_TOOLS) parallax vdi_unittest
+parallax: $(PLX_SRCS)
+       $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o parallax -L.. $(LDFLAGS) $(PLX_SRCS)
+${VDI_TOOLS}: %: %.c $(VDI_SRCS)
+       $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -g3 -o $@ $@.c $(LDFLAGS) $(VDI_SRCS)
+.PHONY: TAGS clean install rpm
+-include $(DEPS)
\ No newline at end of file

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