[Xen-API] Re: XCP 1.1 xs-tools Version Override Problem
On 22/10/11 16:42, brooks@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> The version override feature allows XenCenter to function nicely with
> XCP.1.x. Unfortunately xs-tools doesn't share the love.
I believe you have the honor of reporting the first XCP 1.1 bug :(
> XCP 1.1 includes
> xs-tools-1.1 but thats not the version XCP expects when masquerading as
> XenServer 5.6 fp1/sp2. It expects xs-tools-5.x and it's unhappy about the
> version mismatch. It's so unhappy that it's preventing live migrations:
> VM = CentOS 6 x86_64 PV with:
> - xe-guest-utilities-1.1.0-651.x86_64.rpm
> - xe-guest-utilities-xenstore-1.1.0-651.x86_64.rpm
> installed from xs-tools-1.1.0.iso
> [root@xenc2n1 ~]# xe vm-migrate vm=2b038b1d-62bc-b4de-68c2-8ef1cfa8f9d3
> live=true host-uuid=2394d5b3-5b47-4a9b-9493-678120d7a576
> You attempted an operation on a VM which requires a more recent version of
> the
> PV drivers. Please upgrade your PV drivers.
> vm: 2b038b1d-62bc-b4de-68c2-8ef1cfa8f9d3 (i-3-12-VM)
> I don't suppose there's an xs-tools version override hack we can apply :-).
Actually, there is, but it's a little dirtier than the xapi version
override hack. On Linux, the xs-tools are basically a collection of
shell scripts. You can modify the file '/usr/sbin/xe-update-guest-attrs'
so that it writes the "correct" version of xapi to xenstore. Open the
file for editing and scroll to the bottom. You'll be able to change the
Major Minor and Micro versions to 5, 6, and 100. These should be updated
within a minute, and you'll be able to migrate again.
> I found this work item under XCP 1.1 on the wiki XCP Roadmap page:
> 23 Jun 11 | Mike McClurg | Remove PV-driver migration checks for PV
> domains; check for presence in HVM domains
> I suspect that didn't get done, or isn't working. What functions do the
> xe-guest-utilities provide? Without them installed you don't see any
> memory statistics under the "Performance" tab, but are they really needed
> for PV based VMs?
The worst part of this is that the work has been done, but it didn't get
backported into the XCP 1.1 branch of xapi. We'll backport these changes
and issue a xapi update soon.
> What we need is XCP support in XenCenter instead of a patch to XCP to make it
> appear as something it's not. Even though XenCenter is a Windows application
> it's the best configuration, management, and monitoring application available
> for XenServer and XCP.
I completely agree with you. We're working on improving this situation,
and we hope that the next release of XenCenter will have better
interoperability with XCP. No promises yet, though.
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