Re: [Xen-API] [Project Kronos] SR_BACKEND_FAILURE_53 when creating SR
On 08/24/2011 08:15 AM, Sébastien Riccio wrote:
Hmm project Kronos is on debian, as far as I know the lvm is not patched
(yet) for the master
Maybe Jonathan or Mike could provide us a patched one ?
Hi guys,
I'm really sorry I haven't replied to this thread yet. The only SR types
that we'll be supporting for the next month or so will be ext3 and NFS.
NFS is probably the easiest option to set up, since you won't have to
repartition your disks.
To say that we've "patched" LVM is to say that Frankenstein "patched"
his monster. The XenServer LVM modifications are intrusive and
definitely not upstreamable, and therefore can't be included in Debian.
Our goal is got get xapi running on stock Debian as much as possible,
but in order to support LVM in the short term we will probably provide a
custom LVM package.
LVM is on our milestone 2 list of features to support. Take a look at
the Kronos deliverables and work item spreadsheet on Google Docs for a
description of what is to be accomplished for each milestone.
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