Re: [Xen-API] One resource pool and local lvm SR mirrored using DRBD
Ok, DRBD actually consists of two parts: kernel modules (which one
require proper gcc version and headers to build without glitches) and
userspace tools, which one can be used without compilation (it can
installed from rpm/repository by yum install drbd).
I am thinking it's much easier to install proper gcc and headers for xs
dom0 kernel to vanilla centos than playing with specific 'ddk images'.
On 17.08.2011 01:49, Jakob Praher wrote:
I would like to build DRBD for XCP and use it as a .rpm in the dom0s.
There is an example for doing so w/ XCP 0.5 albeit there it is described using
the DDK.
If DRBD is supported by XCP 1.1 out of the box it would be best.
Am Dienstag, 16. August 2011 22:45 CEST, George
Shuklin<george.shuklin@xxxxxxxxx> schrieb:
It depends on expected functionality.
What do you really except from those DDK? Do you need to compile a new
module for kernel or rebuild xapi, or create new application to be ran
in dom0?
I could say about 90% created just for rhel/centos, not for xcp. F.e.
we build our packages on debian build server (some guys of our teem even
creates a packages for test cloud installation on their macs).
The single area were ddk is needed is a kernel/xen hacking, and it can
be done by installing required versions of gcc/libc-dev/xen-headers and
so on on any centos system.
The question is what you want to do in ddk machine?
On 17.08.2011 00:03, Jakob Praher wrote:
thanks again for your answer. Sorry for my ignorance, but what is the best way
to get a DDK like guest up and running on XCP.
E.g. From what I have read sofar the easiest option is to start with a simple
XCP installation in a domU and then use auxiliary packages to do XCP
developent, right?
George Shuklin<george.shuklin@xxxxxxxxx> schrieb:
Auxiliary Package
Contains source and binaries for components and utilities that are
needed for XCP development.
If you need kernel headers they are available in
total 67796
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В Втр, 16/08/2011 в 19:08 +0200, Jakob Praher пишет:
Dear George,
Am 15.08.2011 19:27, schrieb George Shuklin:
Right now we using XCP 0.5 and starting migraition process to XCP 1.0.
Both of them do have DDK you can use for compilation of modules.
where do I find the DDK f. 1.0 you mention?
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