Signed-off-by: Rob Hoes <rob.hoes@xxxxxxxxxx>
# HG changeset patch
# User Rob Hoes <rob.hoes@xxxxxxxxxx>
# Date 1294419412 0
# Node ID 2b41dc27dcc224bf22d1d0c432a668b6e626b60f
# Parent 9e99160603a3f19a762cc5c4e46b6f2ca2b092b3
Clean up old modules
Signed-off-by: Rob Hoes <rob.hoes@xxxxxxxxxx>
diff -r 0b9c761f2f4d ocaml/license/pubring.gpg
Binary file ocaml/license/pubring.gpg has changed
diff -r 0b9c761f2f4d ocaml/license/secring.gpg
Binary file ocaml/license/secring.gpg has changed
diff -r 0b9c761f2f4d ocaml/license/trustdb.gpg
Binary file ocaml/license/trustdb.gpg has changed
diff -r 9e99160603a3 -r 2b41dc27dcc2 ocaml/license/OMakefile
--- a/ocaml/license/OMakefile
+++ b/ocaml/license/OMakefile
@@ -9,28 +9,25 @@
v6rpc \
v6errors \
v6daemon \
- edition
+ edition \
+ v6testd
# Name of daemon to install in dom0:
-V6D = v6testd
+V6D = v6d
-OCamlProgram(v6testd, $(V6FILES) v6testd)
+OCamlProgram($(V6D), $(V6FILES))
+OCamlDocProgram($(V6D), $(V6FILES))
OCamlProgram(v6d-reopen-logs, v6d_reopen_logs)
-OCamlDocProgram(v6d, $(V6FILES) v6testd)
.PHONY: install
install: $(V6D)
mkdir -p $(LIBEXEC)
- $(IPROG) $(V6D) $(LIBEXEC)/v6d
+ $(IPROG) $(V6D) $(LIBEXEC)
mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/opt/xensource/bin
$(IPROG) v6d-reopen-logs $(DESTDIR)/opt/xensource/bin
-.PHONY: sdk-install
-sdk-install: install
+.PHONY: clean
+ rm -f *.cmi *.cmx *.cmo *.a *.cma *.cmxa *.run *.opt *.annot *.o *.rej
*.orig *.spit *.spot *.omc v6d v6d-reopen-logs
-.PHONY: clean
- rm -f *.cmi *.cmx *.cmo *.a *.cma *.cmxa *.run *.opt *.annot *.o v6d
v6testd v6d-reopen-logs
diff -r 9e99160603a3 -r 2b41dc27dcc2 ocaml/license/
--- a/ocaml/license/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Citrix Systems Inc.
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
- * by the Free Software Foundation; version 2.1 only. with the special
- * exception on linking described in file LICENSE.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *)
-open Stringext
-open Pervasiveext
-module D = Debug.Debugger(struct let name="license" end)
-open D
-(* Defaults *)
-let edition = Edition.Free
-(* Round a date, given by Unix.time, to days *)
-let round_to_days d =
- let days = (int_of_float d) / (24 * 3600) in
- (float_of_int days) *. 24. *. 3600.
-(* Obtain a date that lies 30 days in the future to set as grace expiry date *)
-let grace_expiry () =
- if Xapi_fist.reduce_grace_period () then
- Unix.time () +. 15. *. 60. (* 15 minutes in the future *)
- else
- round_to_days (Unix.time () +. 30. *. 24. *. 60. *. 60.) (* 30
days in the future *)
-(* Obtain a date that lies 30 days in the future to set as upgrade grace
expiry date *)
-let upgrade_grace_expiry () =
- if Xapi_fist.reduce_upgrade_grace_period () then
- Unix.time () +. 15. *. 60. (* 15 minutes in the future *)
- else
- round_to_days (Unix.time () +. 30. *. 24. *. 60. *. 60.) (* 30
days in the future *)
-let default_version = Version.product_version
-let default_sockets = 1
-let default_productcode = ""
-(* Only read out the fields we care about. The signature covers the other
- fields so there's no verification required here. *)
-type license =
- {
- sku : string;
- version : string;
- serialnumber : string;
- sockets : int;
- productcode : string;
- expiry : float;
- grace : string;
- name : string;
- company : string;
- address1 : string;
- address2 : string;
- city : string;
- state : string;
- postalcode : string;
- country : string;
- sku_marketing_name : string; (* calculated only on the host with the
license file, copied otherwise *)
- }
-(* String constants used for converting the license record to/from
string*string association lists *)
-let _sku_type = "sku_type"
-let _version = "version"
-let _serialnumber = "serialnumber"
-let _sockets = "sockets"
-let _productcode = "productcode"
-let _expiry = "expiry"
-let _grace = "grace"
-let _name = "name"
-let _company = "company"
-let _address1 = "address1"
-let _address2 = "address2"
-let _city = "city"
-let _state = "state"
-let _postalcode = "postalcode"
-let _country = "country"
-let _sku_marketing_name = "sku_marketing_name"
-let to_assoc_list (x: license) =
- [ _sku_type, x.sku;
- _version, x.version;
- _serialnumber, x.serialnumber;
- _sockets, string_of_int x.sockets;
- _productcode, x.productcode;
- _expiry, Date.to_string (Date.of_float x.expiry);
- _grace, x.grace;
- _name,;
- _company,;
- _address1, x.address1;
- _address2, x.address2;
- _city,;
- _state, x.state;
- _postalcode, x.postalcode;
- _country,;
- _sku_marketing_name, x.sku_marketing_name;
- ]
-exception Missing_license_param of string
-(** Takes an association list (eg from Host.license_params) and returns a
license record. This may throw
- Missing_license_param if the key is absent *)
-let of_assoc_list (x: (string * string) list) =
- let find k = if List.mem_assoc k x then List.assoc k x else raise
(Missing_license_param k) in
- { sku = find _sku_type;
- version = find _version;
- serialnumber = find _serialnumber;
- sockets = (try int_of_string (find _sockets) with _ -> 1); (* sockets are
now irrelevant *)
- productcode = find _productcode;
- expiry = (Date.to_float (Date.of_string (find _expiry)));
- grace = "no"; (* NOTE: 'grace' key left out for backwards compatibility *)
- name = find _name;
- company = find _company;
- address1 = find _address1;
- address2 = find _address2;
- city = find _city;
- state = find _state;
- postalcode = find _postalcode;
- country = find _country;
- (* NB: it would be dangerous to use this host's sku_marketing_name db to
resolve another host's sku *)
- sku_marketing_name = (try find _sku_marketing_name with
Missing_license_param _ -> "");
- }
-let default () =
- {
- sku = Edition.to_string edition;
- version = default_version;
- serialnumber = "";
- sockets = default_sockets;
- productcode = default_productcode;
- expiry = grace_expiry ();
- grace = "no";
- name = "";
- company = "";
- address1 = "";
- address2 = "";
- city = "";
- state = "";
- postalcode = "";
- country = "";
- sku_marketing_name = Edition.to_marketing_name edition;
- }
-(* Calls to obtain info about license *)
-let check_expiry l =
- Unix.time () < l.expiry
diff -r 9e99160603a3 -r 2b41dc27dcc2 ocaml/license/license.mli
--- a/ocaml/license/license.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Citrix Systems Inc.
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
- * by the Free Software Foundation; version 2.1 only. with the special
- * exception on linking described in file LICENSE.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *)
-(** Module that keeps track of licenses and related matter
- * @group Licensing
- *)
-(** Type for holding all details about a license *)
-type license =
- {
- sku : string; (** License type *)
- version : string; (** No longer used *)
- serialnumber : string; (** No longer used *)
- sockets : int; (** No longer used *)
- productcode : string; (** No longer used *)
- expiry : float; (** Expiry date (result of
Unix.time) *)
- grace : string; (** Indicates whether the
current license is a grace license.
- * Possible
values: "no", "upgrade grace", "regular grace" *)
- name : string; (** No longer used *)
- company : string; (** No longer used *)
- address1 : string; (** No longer used *)
- address2 : string; (** No longer used *)
- city : string; (** No longer used *)
- state : string; (** No longer used *)
- postalcode : string; (** No longer used *)
- country : string; (** No longer used *)
- sku_marketing_name : string; (** Official marketing name of
the license *)
- }
-(** Converts a license into a association list to place in DB. *)
-val to_assoc_list : license -> (string * string) list
-(** Converts a license association list from DB into a license value. *)
-val of_assoc_list : (string * string) list -> license
-(** Returns a default, free license with 30-day grace. *)
-val default : unit -> license
-(** Check whether a given license is valid or expired. *)
-val check_expiry : license -> bool
-(** Thrown if we fail to find a license param. *)
-exception Missing_license_param of string
-(** Obtain a date that lies 30 days in the future to set as grace expiry date.
-val grace_expiry : unit -> float
-(** Obtain a date that lies 30 days in the future to set as upgrade grace
expiry date. *)
-val upgrade_grace_expiry : unit -> float
diff -r 9e99160603a3 -r 2b41dc27dcc2 ocaml/license/
--- a/ocaml/license/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Citrix Systems Inc.
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
- * by the Free Software Foundation; version 2.1 only. with the special
- * exception on linking described in file LICENSE.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *)
-(* Slightly outdated comment:
- *
- * There are 2 ways that a license can be registered by xapi. The
- * first is on startup, when the file /etc/xensource/license is read,
- * and the second is the api call 'host.license_apply'. There are also
- * 2 possible problems with a license - that it might have expired, and
- * that it might be invalid. The API call will refuse to do anything if
- * the license has either problem, but initial startup will always
- * apply a parsable license, even if it has expired.
- *
- * The license is checked to see if it has expired in exactly one place
- * - Vmops.create_check, and so an expired license will mean it is
- * impossible to start new domains.
- *)
-open Stringext
-open Pervasiveext
-open License
-module D = Debug.Debugger(struct let name="license" end)
-open D
-exception LicenseParseError
-exception LicenseCannotReadFile
-exception LicenseFieldMissing of string
-exception License_expired of license
-exception License_file_deprecated
-(* Set from config file: *)
-(* ...but only in xapi, not in the v6 daemon!!! *)
-let filename = ref "/etc/xensource/license"
-(* License setting functions *)
-let validate_signature fname =
- Gpg.with_signed_cleartext fname
- (fun fingerprint fd ->
- (match fingerprint with
- | Some f ->
- (* base64-encoded fingerprint of our licensing public key *)
- if (Base64.encode
- then
- (
- debug "Got fingerprint: %s" f;
- (* debug "Encoded: %s" (Base64.encode f); -- don't advertise
the fact that we've got an encoded string in here! *)
- raise Gpg.InvalidSignature
- )
- | None ->
- debug "No fingerprint!";
- raise Gpg.InvalidSignature);
- Unixext.string_of_fd fd)
-(* only activation keys are accepted as license files since XS 5.6 *)
-let parse_license license_data =
- let lic_xml = Xml.parse_string license_data in
- let readfld fname attrs =
- try
- List.assoc fname attrs
- with Not_found -> raise (LicenseFieldMissing fname) in
- let maybe_readfld fname attrs =
- try
- List.assoc fname attrs
- with Not_found -> "" in
- match lic_xml with
- | Xml.Element("xe_license", attrs, _) ->
- let sku = readfld "sku_type" attrs in
- (* we now only accept activation keys for the free edition fo XS *)
- if sku <> "XE Express" then
- raise License_file_deprecated
- else
- {sku = Edition.to_string Edition.Free;
- version = readfld "version" attrs;
- serialnumber = readfld "serialnumber" attrs;
- sockets = int_of_string (readfld "sockets" attrs);
- productcode = (readfld "productcode" attrs);
- expiry = float_of_string (readfld "expiry" attrs);
- grace = "no";
- name = maybe_readfld "name" attrs;
- company = maybe_readfld "company" attrs;
- address1 = maybe_readfld "address1" attrs;
- address2 = maybe_readfld "address2" attrs;
- city = maybe_readfld "city" attrs;
- state = maybe_readfld "state" attrs;
- postalcode = maybe_readfld "postalcode" attrs;
- country = maybe_readfld "country" attrs;
- sku_marketing_name = Edition.to_marketing_name Edition.Free;
- }
- | _ -> raise LicenseParseError
-(* only activation keys are accepted as license files since XS 5.6 *)
-let read_license_file fname =
- try
- Unix.access fname [Unix.F_OK];
- let license_data = validate_signature fname in
- let newlicense = parse_license license_data in
- Some newlicense
- with
- | License_file_deprecated -> raise License_file_deprecated
- | e ->
- begin
- debug "Failed to read license file: %s" (Printexc.to_string e);
- None
- end
-(* only activation keys are accepted as license files since XS 5.6 *)
-let do_parse_and_validate fname =
- try
- let _ = try Unix.access fname [Unix.F_OK] with _ -> raise
LicenseCannotReadFile in
- let license_data = validate_signature fname in
- let newlicense = parse_license license_data in
- (if not (License.check_expiry newlicense) then raise (License_expired
- (* At this point, license is valid and hasn't expired *)
- newlicense
- with e ->
- (match e with
- | License_expired l -> warn "License has expired"
- | LicenseCannotReadFile -> warn "License application failed: cannot read
license file."
- | Gpg.InvalidSignature -> warn "License application failed: invalid
signature on license file."
- | LicenseFieldMissing fname -> warn "License application failed:
essential field '%s' missing from license." fname
- | LicenseParseError -> warn "License application failed: reverting to
previous license"
- | License_file_deprecated -> warn "License application failed:
deprecated license file"
- | e -> warn "License application failed: exception '%s' in license
parsing." (Printexc.to_string e);
- log_backtrace ());
- raise e
diff -r 9e99160603a3 -r 2b41dc27dcc2 ocaml/license/license_file.mli
--- a/ocaml/license/license_file.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Citrix Systems Inc.
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
- * by the Free Software Foundation; version 2.1 only. with the special
- * exception on linking described in file LICENSE.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *)
-(** Handling of license files
- * @group Licensing
- *)
-(** Path to the license file in use. *)
-val filename : string ref
-(** Parse a license file and return the result.
- * Called from host.license_apply. *)
-val read_license_file : string -> License.license option
-(** As read_license_file, but also set license state variable if not expired.
- * Called from host.license_apply. *)
-val do_parse_and_validate : string -> License.license
-(** Thrown if the license data is malformed. *)
-exception LicenseParseError
-(** Thrown if the given license file cannot be opened. *)
-exception LicenseCannotReadFile
-(** Thrown if a particular field is missing from the license data. *)
-exception LicenseFieldMissing of string
-(** Thrown if the license in a given file is found to be expired. *)
-exception License_expired of License.license
-(** Thrown if an old-style, deprecated license file is used. *)
-exception License_file_deprecated
Description: Text Data
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