RE: [Xen-API] squeezed control
Thank you.
I have some questions for this document:
P.8 says: "It sits waiting for incoming requests on its toolstack
interface". Where is interface is in installed XCP? I thought is was a
socket, but as I understood from source code it use xenstore, the
'squeezed' leaf. But I found no any trace of use 'squeezed' leaf in
working xenstore. Is squeezed clean out records from xenstore after
reading them?
And, if possible, can I see some kind of 'education' code (simple
sample) of interacting with squeezed?
В Пнд, 03/01/2011 в 19:07 +0000, Dave Scott пишет:
> Hi George,
> The squeezed documentation is here:
> http://wiki.xensource.com/xenwiki/squeezed?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=squeezed-0.3.pdf
> > I have few questions:
> >
> > 1) Where protocol of squeezed described? (If separate document is not
> > available, where in source code it defined?)
> The only definition is the code. Have a look in
> Xen-api.hg/ocaml/xenops/squeezed_rpc.ml
> > 2) Can I interact with squeezed on slave host without involving XenAPI
> > calls to xapi on pool master? (I need to change values for VM memory
> > within dynamic min-max values).
> Yes-- squeezed is entirely self-sufficient on a host.
> Cheers,
> Dave
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