# HG changeset patch
# User Thomas Sanders <thomas.sanders@xxxxxxxxxx>
# Date 1286306824 -3600
# Node ID 3e9d27f796957dff0942ad3b12b54036356669a2
# Parent 8095e7b9208492ce7584f2a0ba61209afc4479db
CA-32077 Gracefully handle missing /etc/xensource-inventory file
xapi was failing nastily on start-up if the xensource-inventory file was
missing. Now it generates a minimal one if none exists. This does not include
a build number, so version.ml now falls back to using a build number from the
Make environment if one is not available from the inventory, i.e. it falls
back to the behaviour from before Matthias's commit for CA-43574 (build number
from xensource-inventory).
Signed-off-by: Thomas Sanders <thomas.sanders@xxxxxxxxxx>
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -107,11 +107,11 @@ import-v6:
echo "(* This file is autogenerated. Grep for
e17512ce-ba7c-11df-887b-0026b9799147 (random uuid) to see where it comes from.
;o) *)" > ocaml/util/version.ml
echo "let hg_id = \"$(shell hg id | sed -r 's/(.+)\s.*/\1/g')\"" >>
- echo "let hostname = \"$(shell hostname)\"" >> ocaml/util/version.ml
- echo "let date = \"$(shell date -u +%Y-%m-%d)\"" >>
+ echo "let hostname = \"$(shell hostname)\"" >>
+ echo "let date = \"$(shell date -u +%Y-%m-%d)\"" >>
echo "let product_version = \"$(PRODUCT_VERSION)\"" >>
- echo "let product_brand = \"$(PRODUCT_BRAND)\"" >> ocaml/util/version.ml
- echo "let build_number = Util_inventory.lookup \"BUILD_NUMBER\" (*
\"$(BUILD_NUMBER)\" *)" >> ocaml/util/version.ml
+ echo "let product_brand = \"$(PRODUCT_BRAND)\"" >>
+ echo "let build_number = Util_inventory.lookup
~default:\"$(BUILD_NUMBER)\" \"BUILD_NUMBER\"" >> ocaml/util/version.ml
.PHONY: clean
diff --git a/ocaml/util/util_inventory.ml b/ocaml/util/util_inventory.ml
--- a/ocaml/util/util_inventory.ml
+++ b/ocaml/util/util_inventory.ml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Citrix Systems Inc.
+ * Copyright (C) 2006-2010 Citrix Systems Inc.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
@@ -20,10 +20,33 @@ open Threadext
module D = Debug.Debugger(struct let name="xapi" end)
open D
+let inventory_filename = Util_globs_inventory.inventory_filename
+(* Keys which must exist: *)
+let _installation_uuid = "INSTALLATION_UUID"
+let _control_domain_uuid = "CONTROL_DOMAIN_UUID"
+let _management_interface = "MANAGEMENT_INTERFACE"
+(* Optional keys: *)
+let _current_interfaces = "CURRENT_INTERFACES"
+let _oem_manufacturer = "OEM_MANUFACTURER"
+let _oem_model = "OEM_MODEL"
+let _oem_build_number = "OEM_BUILD_NUMBER"
+let _machine_serial_number = "MACHINE_SERIAL_NUMBER"
+let _machine_serial_name = "MACHINE_SERIAL_NAME"
let loaded_inventory = ref false
let inventory = Hashtbl.create 10
let inventory_m = Mutex.create ()
+(* Compute the minimum necessary inventory file contents *)
+let minimum_default_entries () =
+ let host_uuid = Uuid.string_of_uuid (Uuid.make_uuid ()) in
+ let dom0_uuid = Uuid.string_of_uuid (Uuid.make_uuid ()) in
+ [ _installation_uuid, host_uuid;
+ _control_domain_uuid, dom0_uuid;
+ _management_interface, "" ]
(* trim any quotes off the ends *)
let strip_quotes v =
if String.length v >= 2
@@ -39,7 +62,17 @@ let parse_inventory_entry line =
Some (k, strip_quotes ++ String.strip String.isspace $
| _ -> None
+let string_of_table h =
+ let lines = List.fold_left (fun acc (k, v) ->
+ Printf.sprintf "%s='%s'\n" k v :: acc) [] h in
+ String.concat "" lines
let read_inventory_contents () =
+ if not (Sys.file_exists inventory_filename) then begin
+ warn "%s does not exist: generating a minimal one"
+ Unixext.write_string_to_file inventory_filename (
+ string_of_table (minimum_default_entries ()))
+ end;
(* Perhaps we should blank the old inventory before we read the new one?
What is the desired behaviour? *)
Unixext.file_lines_iter (fun line ->
@@ -47,7 +80,7 @@ let read_inventory_contents () =
| Some (k, v) -> Hashtbl.add inventory k v
| None -> warn
"Failed to parse line from xensource-inventory
file: %s" line)
- Util_globs_inventory.inventory_filename;
+ inventory_filename;
loaded_inventory := true
let read_inventory () = Mutex.execute inventory_m read_inventory_contents
@@ -57,18 +90,19 @@ let reread_inventory () = Mutex.execute
exception Missing_inventory_key of string
-let lookup key =
- if not (!loaded_inventory) then read_inventory();
- if not (Hashtbl.mem inventory key)
- then raise (Missing_inventory_key key);
- Hashtbl.find inventory key
+let lookup ?default key =
+ (if not (!loaded_inventory) then read_inventory());
+ if (Hashtbl.mem inventory key)
+ then
+ Hashtbl.find inventory key
+ else
+ match default with
+ | None -> raise (Missing_inventory_key key)
+ | Some v -> v
let flush_to_disk_locked () =
- let lines = Hashtbl.fold
- (fun k v acc -> Printf.sprintf "%s='%s'\n" k v :: acc)
- inventory [] in
- Unixext.write_string_to_file Util_globs_inventory.inventory_filename
- $ String.concat "" lines
+ let h = Hashtbl.fold (fun k v acc -> (k, v) :: acc) inventory [] in
+ Unixext.write_string_to_file inventory_filename (string_of_table h)
let update key value = Mutex.execute inventory_m (fun () ->
Hashtbl.clear inventory;
@@ -81,25 +115,3 @@ let remove key = Mutex.execute inventory
read_inventory_contents ();
Hashtbl.remove inventory key;
flush_to_disk_locked ())
-let _product_brand = "PRODUCT_BRAND"
-let _product_name = "PRODUCT_NAME"
-let _product_version = "PRODUCT_VERSION='0.5.1'"
-let _build_number = "BUILD_NUMBER"
-let _kernel_version = "KERNEL_VERSION"
-let _xen_version = "XEN_VERSION"
-let _installation_date = "INSTALLATION_DATE"
-let _default_sr = "DEFAULT_SR"
-let _primary_disk = "PRIMARY_DISK"
-let _backup_partition = "BACKUP_PARTITION"
-let _installation_uuid = "INSTALLATION_UUID"
-let _default_sr_physdevs = "DEFAULT_SR_PHYSDEVS"
-let _control_domain_uuid = "CONTROL_DOMAIN_UUID"
-let _management_interface = "MANAGEMENT_INTERFACE"
-let _current_interfaces = "CURRENT_INTERFACES"
-let _dom0_mem = "DOM0_MEM"
-let _oem_manufacturer = "OEM_MANUFACTURER"
-let _oem_model = "OEM_MODEL"
-let _oem_build_number = "OEM_BUILD_NUMBER"
-let _machine_serial_number = "MACHINE_SERIAL_NUMBER"
-let _machine_serial_name = "MACHINE_SERIAL_NAME"
diff --git a/ocaml/util/util_inventory.mli b/ocaml/util/util_inventory.mli
--- a/ocaml/util/util_inventory.mli
+++ b/ocaml/util/util_inventory.mli
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Citrix Systems Inc.
+ * Copyright (C) 2006-2010 Citrix Systems Inc.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
@@ -25,9 +25,9 @@ val read_inventory: unit -> unit
(** Clears the copy of the inventory file in memory and reads the file from
disk. *)
val reread_inventory: unit -> unit
-(** Return the value of key [key] in the inventory file. Throws
- * if the key does not exist. *)
-val lookup: string -> string
+(** Return the value of key [key] in the inventory file. If the key does not
+ * returns the default if supplied, or throws {!Missing_inventory_key}
otherwise. *)
+val lookup: ?default:string -> string -> string
(** Remove the key with the given name from the inventory file, if it exists.
val remove: string -> unit
@@ -40,6 +40,9 @@ val update: string -> string -> unit
val parse_inventory_entry: string -> (string * string) option
(* Keys defined in Geneva *)
+(** UUID of the Host object in the xapi database *)
+val _installation_uuid : string
(** Brand name, such as "XenServer" *)
val _product_brand : string
@@ -70,15 +73,12 @@ val _primary_disk : string
(** Device path of backup partition *)
val _backup_partition : string
-(** UUID of the Host object in the xapi database *)
-val _installation_uuid : string
(** Device path of the default SR used for local storage *)
val _default_sr_physdevs : string
(** Memory size of dom0 (?) *)
val _dom0_mem : string
(* Keys defined in Rio *)
(** UUID of the control domain (dom0) *)
Description: Text Data
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