[Xen-API] [PATCH 1 of 2] CA-42836: in VDI import, issue an HTTP 302 redi
# HG changeset patch
# User David Scott <dave.scott@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
# Date 1282565001 -3600
# Node ID 838461861723b2801ffc5496df81c55ecbe8ebe9
# Parent 2580868fdc435e5c729f98bd707d018dafd3dc2a
CA-42836: in VDI import, issue an HTTP 302 redirect to the correct host rather
than just assuming the current host has access to the SR.
Signed-off-by: David Scott <dave.scott@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
diff -r 2580868fdc43 -r 838461861723 ocaml/xapi/import_raw_vdi.ml
--- a/ocaml/xapi/import_raw_vdi.ml Fri Jul 23 18:18:39 2010 +0100
+++ b/ocaml/xapi/import_raw_vdi.ml Mon Aug 23 13:03:21 2010 +0100
@@ -23,14 +23,20 @@
open Unixext
open Pervasiveext
-let handler (req: request) (s: Unix.file_descr) =
+let vdi_of_req ~__context (req: request) =
+ let vdi =
+ if List.mem_assoc "vdi" req.Http.query
+ then List.assoc "vdi" req.Http.query
+ else raise (Failure "Missing vdi query parameter") in
+ if Db_cache.DBCache.is_valid_ref vdi
+ then Ref.of_string vdi
+ else Db.VDI.get_by_uuid ~__context ~uuid:vdi
+let localhost_handler rpc session_id (req: request) (s: Unix.file_descr) =
req.close <- true;
Xapi_http.with_context "Importing raw VDI" req s
(fun __context ->
- let vdi =
- if List.mem_assoc "vdi" req.Http.query
- then Ref.of_string (List.assoc "vdi" req.Http.query)
- else raise (Failure "Missing vdi query parameter") in
+ let vdi = vdi_of_req ~__context req in
match req.transfer_encoding, req.content_length with
| Some "chunked", _ ->
@@ -43,8 +49,7 @@
content_type ] in
Http_svr.headers s headers;
- Helpers.call_api_functions ~__context
- (fun rpc session_id ->
Sm_fs_ops.with_block_attached_device __context rpc session_id
vdi `RW
(fun device ->
let fd = Unix.openfile device [ Unix.O_WRONLY ] 0 in
@@ -57,10 +62,37 @@
raise (Api_errors.Server_error
(Api_errors.vdi_io_error, ["Device I/O errors"]))
(fun () -> Unix.close fd)
- )
- );
+ );
TaskHelper.complete ~__context []
with e ->
TaskHelper.failed ~__context (Api_errors.internal_error, ["Caught
exception: " ^ (ExnHelper.string_of_exn e)]);
raise e)
+let return_302_redirect (req: request) s address =
+ let url = Printf.sprintf "https://%s%s?%s" address req.uri
(String.concat "&" (List.map (fun (a,b) -> a^"="^b) req.query)) in
+ let headers = Http.http_302_redirect url in
+ debug "HTTP 302 redirect to: %s" url;
+ Http_svr.headers s headers
+let handler (req: request) (s: Unix.file_descr) =
+ Xapi_http.assert_credentials_ok "VDI.import"
~http_action:"put_import_raw_vdi" req;
+ (* Perform the SR reachability check using a fresh context/task because
+ we don't want to complete the task in the forwarding case *)
+ Server_helpers.exec_with_new_task "VDI.import"
+ (fun __context ->
+ Helpers.call_api_functions ~__context
+ (fun rpc session_id ->
+ let vdi = vdi_of_req ~__context req in
+ let sr = Db.VDI.get_SR ~__context ~self:vdi in
+ debug "Checking whether localhost can see SR: %s"
(Ref.string_of sr);
+ if (Importexport.check_sr_availability ~__context sr)
+ then localhost_handler rpc session_id req s
+ else
+ let host = Importexport.find_host_for_sr
~__context sr in
+ let address = Db.Host.get_address ~__context
~self:host in
+ return_302_redirect req s address
+ )
+ )
ocaml/xapi/import_raw_vdi.ml | 50 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
1 files changed, 41 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)
Description: Text Data
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