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[Xen-API] [PATCH 10 of 21] CP-1800: CLI support for PR-1031 (VM protecti

To: xen-api <xen-api@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Xen-API] [PATCH 10 of 21] CP-1800: CLI support for PR-1031 (VM protection policy)
From: Marcus Granado <marcus.granado@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 20 Aug 2010 17:52:29 +0100
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 ocaml/client_records/record_util.ml     |    6 +
 ocaml/client_records/records.ml         |  109 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 ocaml/idl/ocaml_backend/event_helper.ml |    3 +-
 ocaml/xapi/cli_frontend.ml              |   16 ++++
 ocaml/xapi/cli_operations.ml            |   48 +++++++++++++-
 5 files changed, 178 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

# HG changeset patch
# User Marcus Granado <marcus.granado@xxxxxxxxxx>
# Date 1282322886 -3600
# Node ID cf4fa3283659fb55b279c563e3a818ad8ddf7181
# Parent  80f7b258edfb52f34e2caa0bfb00e32ea208bc99
CP-1800: CLI support for PR-1031 (VM protection policy)

Signed-off-by: Marcus Granado <marcus.granado@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

diff -r 80f7b258edfb -r cf4fa3283659 ocaml/client_records/record_util.ml
--- a/ocaml/client_records/record_util.ml
+++ b/ocaml/client_records/record_util.ml
@@ -302,6 +302,12 @@
   | "static" -> `Static
   | s        -> raise (Record_failure ("Expected 'dhcp','none' or 'static', 
got "^s))
+let bool_of_string s =
+       match String.lowercase s with
+               |"true"|"yes"->true
+               |"false"|"no"->false
+               |_-> raise (Record_failure ("Expected 
'true','yes','false','no', got "^s))
 (* string_to_string_map_to_string *)
 let s2sm_to_string sep x =
   String.concat sep (List.map (fun (a,b) -> a^": "^b) x)
diff -r 80f7b258edfb -r cf4fa3283659 ocaml/client_records/records.ml
--- a/ocaml/client_records/records.ml
+++ b/ocaml/client_records/records.ml
@@ -497,6 +497,108 @@
   (*make_field ~name:"is_basic"             ~get:(fun () -> string_of_bool (x 
()).API.role_is_basic) ();*)
+let vmpp_record rpc session_id vmpp =
+  let _ref = ref vmpp in
+  let empty_record = ToGet (fun () -> Client.VMPP.get_record rpc session_id 
!_ref) in
+  let record = ref empty_record in
+  let x () = lzy_get record in
+  { setref=(fun r -> _ref := r; record := empty_record );
+    setrefrec=(fun (a,b) -> _ref := a; record := Got b);
+    record=x;
+    getref=(fun () -> !_ref);
+    fields =
+  make_field ~name:"uuid"
+    ~get:(fun () -> (x ()).API.vMPP_uuid)
+    ();
+  make_field ~name:"name-label"
+    ~get:(fun () -> (x ()).API.vMPP_name_label)
+    ~set:(fun x -> Client.VMPP.set_name_label rpc session_id vmpp x)
+    ();
+  make_field ~name:"name-description"
+    ~get:(fun () -> (x ()).API.vMPP_name_description)
+    ~set:(fun x -> Client.VMPP.set_name_description rpc session_id vmpp x)
+    ();
+  make_field ~name:"is-policy-enabled"
+    ~get:(fun () -> string_of_bool (x ()).API.vMPP_is_policy_enabled)
+    ~set:(fun x -> Client.VMPP.set_is_policy_enabled rpc session_id vmpp 
(safe_bool_of_string "is-policy-enabled" x))
+    ();
+  make_field ~name:"backup-type"
+    ~get:(fun () -> XMLRPC.From.string (API.To.vmpp_backup_type (x 
+    ~set:(fun x -> Client.VMPP.set_backup_type rpc session_id vmpp 
(API.From.vmpp_backup_type "backup-type" (XMLRPC.To.string x)))
+    ();
+  make_field ~name:"backup-retention-value"
+    ~get:(fun () -> string_of_int (Int64.to_int (x 
+    ~set:(fun x -> Client.VMPP.set_backup_retention_value rpc session_id vmpp 
(safe_i64_of_string "backup-retention-value" x))
+    ();
+  make_field ~name:"backup-frequency"
+    ~get:(fun () -> XMLRPC.From.string (API.To.vmpp_backup_frequency (x 
+    ~set:(fun x -> Client.VMPP.set_backup_frequency rpc session_id vmpp 
(API.From.vmpp_backup_frequency "backup-frequency" (XMLRPC.To.string x)))
+    ();
+  make_field ~name:"backup-schedule"
+    ~get:(fun () -> Record_util.s2sm_to_string "; " (x 
+    ~get_map:(fun () -> (x ()).API.vMPP_backup_schedule)
+    ~add_to_map:(fun k v -> Client.VMPP.add_to_backup_schedule rpc session_id 
vmpp k v)
+    ~remove_from_map:(fun k -> Client.VMPP.remove_from_backup_schedule rpc 
session_id vmpp k)
+    ();
+  make_field ~name:"is-backup-running"
+    ~get:(fun () -> string_of_bool (x ()).API.vMPP_is_backup_running)
+    ();
+  make_field ~name:"backup-last-run-time"
+    ~get:(fun () -> Date.to_string (x ()).API.vMPP_backup_last_run_time)
+    ();
+  make_field ~name:"archive-target-type"
+    ~get:(fun () -> XMLRPC.From.string (API.To.vmpp_archive_target_type (x 
+    ~set:(fun x -> Client.VMPP.set_archive_target_type rpc session_id vmpp 
(API.From.vmpp_archive_target_type "archive-target-type" (XMLRPC.To.string x)))
+    ();
+  make_field ~name:"archive-target-config"
+    ~get:(fun () -> Record_util.s2sm_to_string "; " (x 
+    ~get_map:(fun () -> (x ()).API.vMPP_archive_target_config)
+    ~add_to_map:(fun k v -> Client.VMPP.add_to_archive_target_config rpc 
session_id vmpp k v)
+    ~remove_from_map:(fun k -> 
+                               Client.VMPP.remove_from_archive_target_config 
rpc session_id vmpp k)
+    ();
+  make_field ~name:"archive-frequency"
+    ~get:(fun () -> XMLRPC.From.string (API.To.vmpp_archive_frequency (x 
+    ~set:(fun x -> Client.VMPP.set_archive_frequency rpc session_id vmpp 
(API.From.vmpp_archive_frequency "archive-frequency" (XMLRPC.To.string x)))
+    ();
+  make_field ~name:"archive-schedule" ~get:(fun () -> 
Record_util.s2sm_to_string "; " (x ()).API.vMPP_archive_schedule)
+    ~get_map:(fun () -> (x ()).API.vMPP_archive_schedule)
+    ~add_to_map:(fun k v -> Client.VMPP.add_to_archive_schedule rpc session_id 
vmpp k v)
+    ~remove_from_map:(fun k -> 
+                               Client.VMPP.remove_from_archive_schedule rpc 
session_id vmpp k)
+    ();
+  make_field ~name:"is-archive-running"
+    ~get:(fun () -> string_of_bool (x ()).API.vMPP_is_archive_running)
+    ();
+  make_field ~name:"archive-last-run-time" ~get:(fun () -> Date.to_string (x 
+    ();
+  make_field ~name:"is-alarm-enabled"
+    ~get:(fun () -> string_of_bool (x ()).API.vMPP_is_alarm_enabled)
+    ~set:(fun x -> Client.VMPP.set_is_alarm_enabled rpc session_id vmpp 
(safe_bool_of_string "is-alarm-enabled" x))
+    ();
+  make_field ~name:"alarm-config"     ~get:(fun () -> 
Record_util.s2sm_to_string "; " (x ()).API.vMPP_alarm_config)
+    ~get_map:(fun () -> (x ()).API.vMPP_alarm_config)
+    ~add_to_map:(fun k v -> Client.VMPP.add_to_alarm_config rpc session_id 
vmpp k v)
+    ~remove_from_map:(fun k -> 
+                               Client.VMPP.remove_from_alarm_config rpc 
session_id vmpp k)
+    ();
+  make_field ~name:"VMs"
+     ~get:(fun () -> String.concat "; "
+       (try
+          List.map
+            (fun self -> try Client.VM.get_uuid rpc session_id self with _ -> 
+            (Client.VMPP.get_VMs rpc session_id vmpp)
+        with _ -> []
+       )
+                                       )
+     ~expensive:false
+     ~get_set:(fun () -> try List.map
+        (fun self -> try Client.VM.get_uuid rpc session_id self with _ -> nid)
+        (Client.VMPP.get_VMs rpc session_id vmpp) with _ -> [])
+     ();
 let alert_record rpc session_id pool = 
   let _ref = ref pool in
@@ -787,7 +889,12 @@
                                ~get:(fun () -> default nid (may (fun m -> 
Date.to_string m.API.vM_guest_metrics_last_updated) (xgm ()) )) ();
                        make_field ~name:"cooperative"
                                (* NB this can receive VM_IS_SNAPSHOT *)
-                               ~get:(fun () -> string_of_bool (try 
Client.VM.get_cooperative rpc session_id vm with _ -> true)) ~expensive:true ()
+                               ~get:(fun () -> string_of_bool (try 
Client.VM.get_cooperative rpc session_id vm with _ -> true)) ~expensive:true ();
+                       make_field ~name:"protection-policy"
+                               ~get:(fun () -> get_uuid_from_ref (x 
+                               ~set:(fun x -> if x="" then 
Client.VM.set_protection_policy rpc session_id vm Ref.null else 
Client.VM.set_protection_policy rpc session_id vm (Client.VMPP.get_by_uuid rpc 
session_id x)) ();
+      make_field ~name:"is-snapshot-from-vmpp"
+        ~get:(fun () -> string_of_bool (x ()).API.vM_is_snapshot_from_vmpp) ();
diff -r 80f7b258edfb -r cf4fa3283659 ocaml/idl/ocaml_backend/event_helper.ml
--- a/ocaml/idl/ocaml_backend/event_helper.ml
+++ b/ocaml/idl/ocaml_backend/event_helper.ml
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
      | Pool of             [`pool] Ref.t *  API.pool_t
      | Message of          [`message] Ref.t * API.message_t
      | Secret of           [`secret] Ref.t * API.secret_t  
+     | VMPP of             [`VMPP] Ref.t * API.vMPP_t
   let record_of_event ev =
    let xmlrpc = match ev.Event_types.snapshot with Some x -> x | None -> 
failwith "no record in event" in
@@ -70,5 +71,5 @@
      | "pool" ->             Pool (Ref.of_string 
ev.Event_types.reference,API.From.pool_t "" xmlrpc)
      | "message" ->          Message (Ref.of_string 
ev.Event_types.reference,API.From.message_t "" xmlrpc)
      | "secret" ->           Secret (Ref.of_string 
ev.Event_types.reference,API.From.secret_t "" xmlrpc)
+     | "vmpp" ->             VMPP (Ref.of_string 
ev.Event_types.reference,API.From.vMPP_t "" xmlrpc)
diff -r 80f7b258edfb -r cf4fa3283659 ocaml/xapi/cli_frontend.ml
--- a/ocaml/xapi/cli_frontend.ml
+++ b/ocaml/xapi/cli_frontend.ml
@@ -2209,6 +2209,22 @@
                        ; implementation = No_fd Cli_operations.secret_destroy
                        ; flags = []
+    "vmpp-create",
+    {
+      reqd=["name-label";"backup-type";"backup-frequency"];
+      help="Create a new VM protection policy.";
+      implementation=No_fd Cli_operations.vmpp_create;
+      flags=[];
+    };
+    "vmpp-destroy",
+    {
+      reqd=["uuid"];
+      optn=[];
+      help="Destroy a VM protection policy.";
+      implementation=No_fd Cli_operations.vmpp_destroy;
+      flags=[];
+    };
diff -r 80f7b258edfb -r cf4fa3283659 ocaml/xapi/cli_operations.ml
--- a/ocaml/xapi/cli_operations.ml
+++ b/ocaml/xapi/cli_operations.ml
@@ -687,7 +687,7 @@
        (make_param_funs (Client.Console.get_all) 
(Client.Console.get_all_records_where) (Client.Console.get_by_uuid) 
(console_record) "console" [] 
["uuid";"vm-uuid";"vm-name-label";"protocol";"location"] rpc session_id) @
        (make_param_funs (Client.VM.get_all) (Client.VM.get_all_records_where) 
(Client.VM.get_by_uuid) (vm_record) "vm" [("is-a-template","false")] 
["name-label";"uuid";"power-state"] rpc session_id) @
        (make_param_funs (Client.VM.get_all) (Client.VM.get_all_records_where) 
(Client.VM.get_by_uuid) (vm_record) "template" 
["name-label";"name-description";"uuid"] rpc session_id) @
-       (make_param_funs (Client.VM.get_all) (Client.VM.get_all_records_where) 
(Client.VM.get_by_uuid) (vm_record) "snapshot" [("is-a-snapshot","true")] 
["name-label";"name-description";"uuid";"snapshot_of"; "snapshot_time"] rpc 
session_id) @
+       (make_param_funs (Client.VM.get_all) (Client.VM.get_all_records_where) 
(Client.VM.get_by_uuid) (vm_record) "snapshot" [("is-a-snapshot","true")] 
["name-label";"name-description";"uuid";"snapshot_of"; "snapshot_time"; 
"is-snapshot-from-vmpp"] rpc session_id) @
        (make_param_funs (Client.Host.get_all) 
(Client.Host.get_all_records_where) (Client.Host.get_by_uuid) (host_record) 
"host" [] ["uuid";"name-label";"name-description"] rpc session_id) @
        (make_param_funs (Client.Host_cpu.get_all) 
(Client.Host_cpu.get_all_records_where) (Client.Host_cpu.get_by_uuid) 
(host_cpu_record) "host-cpu" [] 
["uuid";"number";"vendor";"speed";"utilisation"] rpc session_id) @
@@ -702,6 +702,7 @@
        (make_param_funs (Client.Subject.get_all) 
(Client.Subject.get_all_records_where) (Client.Subject.get_by_uuid) 
(subject_record) "subject" [] 
["uuid";"subject-identifier";"other-config";"roles"] rpc session_id) @ 
        (make_param_funs (Client.Role.get_all) (fun ~rpc ~session_id ~expr -> 
Client.Role.get_all_records_where ~rpc ~session_id 
                (Client.Role.get_by_uuid) (role_record) "role" [] 
["uuid";"name";"description";"subroles"] rpc session_id) @ 
+       (make_param_funs (Client.VMPP.get_all) 
(Client.VMPP.get_all_records_where) (Client.VMPP.get_by_uuid) (vmpp_record) 
"vmpp" [] 
 rpc session_id) @
        (make_param_funs (Client.Blob.get_all) 
(Client.Blob.get_all_records_where) (Client.Blob.get_by_uuid) (blob_record) 
"blob" [] ["uuid";"mime-type"] rpc session_id) @
@@ -1505,6 +1506,7 @@
                                | "task" -> List.map (fun x -> (task_record rpc 
session_id x).fields) (Client.Task.get_all rpc session_id)
                                | "subject" -> List.map (fun x -> 
(subject_record rpc session_id x).fields) (Client.Subject.get_all rpc 
                                | "role" -> List.map (fun x -> (role_record rpc 
session_id x).fields) (Client.Role.get_all rpc session_id)
+                               | "vmpp" -> List.map (fun x -> (vmpp_record rpc 
session_id x).fields) (Client.VMPP.get_all rpc session_id)
                                | "secret" -> List.map (fun x -> (secret_record 
rpc session_id x).fields) (Client.Secret.get_all rpc session_id)
 (*                             | "alert" -> List.map (fun x -> (alert_record 
rpc session_id x).fields) (Client.Alert.get_all rpc session_id) *)
                                | _ -> failwith ("Cli listening for class 
'"^classname^"' not currently implemented")
@@ -1544,7 +1546,8 @@
Event_helper.PBD (r,x) -> let record = pbd_record rpc session_id r in 
record.setrefrec (r,x); record.fields
Event_helper.Pool (r,x) -> let record = pool_record rpc session_id r in 
record.setrefrec (r,x); record.fields
Event_helper.Task (r,x) -> let record = task_record rpc session_id r in 
record.setrefrec (r,x); record.fields
-                                                                 | 
Event_helper.Secret (r,x) -> let record = secret_record rpc session_id r in 
record.setrefrec (r,x); record.fields
+                                                                 | 
Event_helper.VMPP (r,x) -> let record = vmpp_record rpc session_id r in 
record.setrefrec (r,x); record.fields
+                                                                 | 
Event_helper.Secret (r,x) -> let record = secret_record rpc session_id r in 
record.setrefrec (r,x); record.fields
                                                                  | _ -> 
failwith ("Cli listening for class '"^classname^"' not currently implemented")
                                                                let record = 
List.map (fun r -> (r.name,fun () -> safe_get_field r)) tbl in
@@ -3897,3 +3900,44 @@
 let regenerate_built_in_templates printer rpc session_id params = 
   Create_templates.create_all_templates rpc session_id
+let vmpp_create printer rpc session_id params =
+       let get ?default param_name =
+               if List.mem_assoc param_name params
+               then List.assoc param_name params
+               else match default with
+                       | Some default_value -> default_value
+                       | None -> failwith ("No default value for parameter 
+       in
+  let map param_name ?default xmlrpc_to_type api_from_type =
+               api_from_type param_name (xmlrpc_to_type (get ?default 
+       in
+       let name_label = List.assoc "name-label" params in
+       let backup_type = map "backup-type" XMLRPC.To.string 
API.From.vmpp_backup_type in
+       let backup_frequency = map "backup-frequency" XMLRPC.To.string 
API.From.vmpp_backup_frequency in
+       let backup_schedule = read_map_params "backup-schedule" params in
+  (* optional parameters with default values *)
+       let name_description = get "name-description" ~default:"" in
+       let is_policy_enabled = Record_util.bool_of_string(get 
"is-policy-enabled" ~default:"true") in
+  let backup_retention_value = map "backup-retention-value" ~default:"1" 
XMLRPC.To.string API.From.int64 in
+  let backup_last_run_time = Date.of_string (get "backup-last-run-time"        
~default:(Date.to_string (Date.of_float 0.))) in
+       let archive_frequency = map "archive-frequency" ~default:"never" 
XMLRPC.To.string API.From.vmpp_archive_frequency in
+       let archive_target_type = map "archive-target-type" ~default:"none" 
XMLRPC.To.string API.From.vmpp_archive_target_type in
+       let archive_target_config = read_map_params "archive-target-config" 
params in
+       let archive_schedule = read_map_params "archive-schedule" params in
+       let archive_last_run_time = Date.of_string (get "archive-last-run-time" 
~default:(Date.to_string (Date.of_float 0.))) in
+       let is_alarm_enabled = Record_util.bool_of_string(get 
"is-alarm-enabled" ~default:"false") in
+       let alarm_config = read_map_params "alarm-config" params in
+       let ref = Client.VMPP.create ~rpc ~session_id ~name_label 
+               ~is_policy_enabled ~backup_type ~backup_retention_value 
+    ~backup_schedule ~backup_last_run_time ~archive_target_type
+    ~archive_target_config ~archive_frequency ~archive_schedule
+    ~archive_last_run_time ~is_alarm_enabled ~alarm_config
+       in
+  let uuid = Client.VMPP.get_uuid ~rpc ~session_id ~self:ref in
+  printer (Cli_printer.PList [uuid])
+let vmpp_destroy printer rpc session_id params =
+       let uuid = List.assoc "uuid" params in
+       let ref = Client.VMPP.get_by_uuid ~rpc ~session_id ~uuid in
+       Client.VMPP.destroy ~rpc ~session_id ~self:ref

Attachment: xen-api.hg-10.patch
Description: Text Data

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