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[Xen-API] [PATCH] first cut at a tapctl module

To: xen-api@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Xen-API] [PATCH] first cut at a tapctl module
From: David Scott <dave.scott@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 23 Jul 2010 17:46:37 +0100
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# HG changeset patch
# User David Scott <dave.scott@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
# Date 1279903578 -3600
# Node ID 815d0a9b3661be23e76be25b95e9b0d7fd9641c9
# Parent  5f9ab87260fcdad5df85ce576d019690adbd67b5
First cut at a 'tapctl' module which wraps the 'tap-ctl' command

(Original version by Jon Ludlam <jonathan.ludlam@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>)
Signed-off-by: David Scott <dave.scott@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

diff -r 5f9ab87260fc -r 815d0a9b3661 Makefile.in
--- a/Makefile.in       Thu Jul 22 15:37:45 2010 +0100
+++ b/Makefile.in       Fri Jul 23 17:46:18 2010 +0100
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
        $(MAKE) -C eventchn
        $(MAKE) -C cpuid
        $(MAKE) -C vhd
+       $(MAKE) -C tapctl
@@ -84,6 +85,7 @@
        $(MAKE) -C eventchn install
        $(MAKE) -C cpuid install
        $(MAKE) -C vhd install
+       $(MAKE) -C tapctl install
@@ -123,6 +125,7 @@
        $(MAKE) -C mmap uninstall
        $(MAKE) -C cpuid uninstall
        $(MAKE) -C vhd uninstall
+       $(MAKE) -C tapctl uninstall
@@ -173,6 +176,7 @@
        $(MAKE) -C mlvm doc
        $(MAKE) -C cpuid doc
        $(MAKE) -C vhd doc
+       $(MAKE) -C tapctl doc
        $(MAKE) -C xen-utils doc
 .PHONY: clean
@@ -195,6 +199,7 @@
        $(MAKE) -C mlvm clean
        $(MAKE) -C cpuid clean
        $(MAKE) -C vhd clean
+       $(MAKE) -C tapctl clean
        $(MAKE) -C xen-utils clean
diff -r 5f9ab87260fc -r 815d0a9b3661 tapctl/META.in
--- /dev/null   Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tapctl/META.in    Fri Jul 23 17:46:18 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+version = "@VERSION@"
+description = "tapctl ocaml interface"
+requires = "unix,stdext,rpc-light.json"
+archive(byte) = "tapctl.cma"
+archive(native) = "tapctl.cmxa"
diff -r 5f9ab87260fc -r 815d0a9b3661 tapctl/Makefile
--- /dev/null   Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tapctl/Makefile   Fri Jul 23 17:46:18 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+CC = gcc
+CFLAGS = -Wall -fPIC -O2 -I/usr/lib/ocaml
+OCAMLC = ocamlc -g
+OCAMLOPT = ocamlopt
+FEPP = camlp4o -I ../rpc-light -I $(shell ocamlfind query type-conv) 
pa_type_conv.cmo pa_rpc.cma
+LDFLAGS = -cclib -L./
+VERSION := $(shell hg parents --template "{rev}" 2>/dev/null || echo 0.0)
+OCAMLOPTFLAGS = -g -dtypes
+OCAMLABI := $(shell ocamlc -version)
+OCAMLLIBDIR := $(shell ocamlc -where)
+OBJS = tapctl
+INTF = $(foreach obj, $(OBJS),$(obj).cmi)
+LIBS = tapctl.cma tapctl.cmxa
+DOCDIR = /myrepos/xen-api-libs.hg/doc
+OCAMLFLAGS = -pp '${FEPP}' -I ../rpc-light -I ../stdext
+all: $(INTF) $(LIBS) $(PROGRAMS)
+bins: $(PROGRAMS)
+libs: $(LIBS)
+tapctl.cmxa: $(foreach obj,$(OBJS),$(obj).cmx)
+       $(OCAMLOPT) $(OCAMLOPTFLAGS) $(OCAMLFLAGS) -a -o $@ $(foreach 
+tapctl.cma: $(foreach obj,$(OBJS),$(obj).cmo)
+       $(OCAMLC) $(OCAMLOPTFLAGS) $(OCAMLFLAGS) -a -o $@ $(foreach 
+%.cmo: %.ml
+       $(OCAMLC) $(OCAMLFLAGS) -c -o $@ $<
+%.cmi: %.mli
+       $(OCAMLC) $(OCAMLFLAGS) -c -o $@ $<
+%.cmx: %.ml
+       $(OCAMLOPT) $(OCAMLOPTFLAGS) $(OCAMLFLAGS) -c -o $@ $<
+%.o: %.c
+       $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $@ $<
+       sed 's/@VERSION@/$(VERSION)/g' < $< > $@
+.PHONY: install
+install: path = $(DESTDIR)$(shell ocamlfind printconf destdir)
+install: $(LIBS) META
+       mkdir -p $(path)
+       ocamlfind install -destdir $(path) -ldconf ignore tapctl META $(INTF) 
$(LIBS) *.a *.cmx
+.PHONY: uninstall
+       ocamlfind remove tapctl
+.PHONY: doc
+doc: $(INTF)
+       python ../doc/doc.py $(DOCDIR) "tapctl" "package" "$(OBJS)" "." "" ""
+       rm -f *.o *.so *.a *.cmo *.cmi *.cma *.cmx *.cmxa *.annot $(LIBS) 
diff -r 5f9ab87260fc -r 815d0a9b3661 tapctl/tapctl.ml
--- /dev/null   Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tapctl/tapctl.ml  Fri Jul 23 17:46:18 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+open Stringext
+open Listext
+open Threadext
+open Forkhelpers
+type tapdev = {
+       minor : int;
+       tapdisk_pid : int;
+} with rpc
+type t = tapdev * string * (string * string) option
+type context = {
+       host_local_dir: string;
+       dummy: bool;
+let create () = { host_local_dir = ""; dummy = false }
+let get_devnode_dir ctx =
+       let d = Printf.sprintf "%s/dev/xen/blktap-2" ctx.host_local_dir in
+       Unixext.mkdir_rec d 0o755;
+       d
+let get_blktapstem ctx = Printf.sprintf "%s/dev/xen/blktap-2/blktap" 
+let get_tapdevstem ctx = Printf.sprintf "%s/dev/xen/blktap-2/tapdev" 
+type driver = | Vhd | Aio
+let string_of_driver = function
+| Vhd -> "vhd"
+| Aio -> "aio"
+let invoke_tap_ctl ctx cmd args =
+       if ctx.dummy then
+               match cmd with
+                       | "allocate" ->
+                               let path = Printf.sprintf "%s%d" 
(get_blktapstem ctx) (Random.int max_int) in
+                               Unixext.mkdir_rec (Filename.dirname path) 0o700;
+                               Unix.close (Unix.openfile path [Unix.O_RDWR; 
Unix.O_CREAT; Unix.O_EXCL] 0o700);
+                               path
+                       | _ -> ""
+       else
+               let stdout, stderr = execute_command_get_output ~env:[|"PATH=" 
^ (Sys.getenv "PATH") |] "/usr/sbin/tap-ctl" (cmd::args) in
+               stdout
+let allocate ctx =
+       let result = invoke_tap_ctl ctx "allocate" [] in
+       let stem = get_tapdevstem ctx in
+       let stemlen = String.length stem in
+       assert(String.startswith stem result);
+       let minor_str = (String.sub result stemlen (String.length result - 
stemlen)) in
+       let minor = Scanf.sscanf minor_str "%d" (fun d -> d) in
+       minor
+let devnode ctx minor =
+       Printf.sprintf "%s%d" (get_tapdevstem ctx) minor
+let spawn ctx =
+       let result = invoke_tap_ctl ctx "spawn" [] in
+       let pid = Scanf.sscanf result "%d" (fun d -> d) in
+       pid
+let attach ctx pid minor =
+       let _ = invoke_tap_ctl ctx "attach" ["-p"; string_of_int pid; "-m"; 
string_of_int minor] in
+       {minor=minor; tapdisk_pid=pid}
+let args tapdev =
+       ["-p"; string_of_int tapdev.tapdisk_pid; "-m"; string_of_int 
+let _open ctx t leaf_path driver =
+       ignore(invoke_tap_ctl ctx "open" (args t @ ["-a"; Printf.sprintf 
"%s:%s" (string_of_driver driver) leaf_path]))
+let close ctx t =
+       ignore(invoke_tap_ctl ctx "close" (args t))
+let pause ctx t =
+       ignore(invoke_tap_ctl ctx "pause" (args t))
+let unpause ctx t leaf_path driver =
+       ignore(invoke_tap_ctl ctx "unpause" (args t @ [ "-a"; Printf.sprintf 
"%s:%s" (string_of_driver driver) leaf_path ]))
+let detach ctx t =
+       ignore(invoke_tap_ctl ctx "detach" (args t))
+let free ctx minor =
+       ignore(invoke_tap_ctl ctx "free" ["-m"; string_of_int minor])
+let list ?t ctx =
+       let args = match t with
+               | Some tapdev -> args tapdev
+               | None -> []
+       in
+       let result = invoke_tap_ctl ctx "list" args in
+       let lines = String.split '\n' result in
+       List.filter_map (fun line ->
+               try 
+                       let fields = String.split_f String.isspace line in
+                       let assoc = List.filter_map (fun field -> 
+                               match String.split '=' field with
+                                       | x::ys -> 
+                                               Some (x,String.concat "=" ys)
+                                       | _ -> 
+                                               None) fields
+                       in
+                       let args = 
+                               match String.split ':' (List.assoc "args" 
assoc) with
+                                       | ty::arguments ->
+                                               Some (ty,String.concat ":" 
+                                       | _ -> None
+                       in
+                       Some ({tapdisk_pid=int_of_string (List.assoc "pid" 
assoc); minor=int_of_string (List.assoc "minor" assoc)},(List.assoc "state" 
+               with _ -> None) lines
+let is_paused ctx t =
+       let result = list ~t ctx in
+       match result with
+               | [(tapdev,state,args)] -> state="0x2a"
+               | _ -> failwith "Unknown device"
+let is_active ctx t =
+       let result = list ~t ctx in
+       match result with
+               | [(tapdev,state,Some _ )] -> true
+               | _ -> false
+let of_device ctx path =
+       let minor = (Unix.stat path).Unix.st_rdev mod 256 in
+       match List.filter (fun (tapdev, _, _) -> tapdev.minor = minor) (list 
ctx) with
+               | [ t ] -> t
+               | _ -> raise Not_found
diff -r 5f9ab87260fc -r 815d0a9b3661 tapctl/tapctl.mli
--- /dev/null   Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tapctl/tapctl.mli Fri Jul 23 17:46:18 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+(** Represents an active tapdisk instance *)
+type tapdev
+val tapdev_of_rpc : Rpc.t -> tapdev
+val rpc_of_tapdev : tapdev -> Rpc.t
+type t = tapdev * string * (string * string) option
+type context
+val create : unit -> context
+type driver = Vhd | Aio
+val string_of_driver : driver -> string
+val allocate : context -> int
+val devnode : context -> int -> string
+val spawn : context -> int
+val attach : context -> int -> int -> tapdev
+val args : tapdev -> string list
+val _open : context -> tapdev -> string -> driver -> unit
+val close : context -> tapdev -> unit
+val pause : context -> tapdev -> unit
+val unpause : context -> tapdev -> string -> driver -> unit
+val detach : context -> tapdev -> unit
+val free : context -> int -> unit
+val list : ?t:tapdev -> context -> t list
+val is_paused : context -> tapdev -> bool
+val is_active : context -> tapdev -> bool
+(** Given a path to a device, return the corresponding tap information *)
+val of_device : context -> string -> t
diff -r 5f9ab87260fc -r 815d0a9b3661 xapi-libs.spec
--- a/xapi-libs.spec    Thu Jul 22 15:37:45 2010 +0100
+++ b/xapi-libs.spec    Fri Jul 23 17:46:18 2010 +0100
@@ -292,6 +292,12 @@
+   /usr/lib/ocaml/tapctl/META
+   /usr/lib/ocaml/tapctl/tapctl.a
+   /usr/lib/ocaml/tapctl/tapctl.cma
+   /usr/lib/ocaml/tapctl/tapctl.cmi
+   /usr/lib/ocaml/tapctl/tapctl.cmx
+   /usr/lib/ocaml/tapctl/tapctl.cmxa
 Makefile.in       |    5 ++
 tapctl/META.in    |    5 ++
 tapctl/Makefile   |   68 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 tapctl/tapctl.ml  |  130 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 tapctl/tapctl.mli |   30 ++++++++++++
 xapi-libs.spec    |    6 ++
 6 files changed, 244 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

Attachment: xen-api-libs.hg.patch
Description: Text Data

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