Re: [Xen-API] host crash when vlan is tagged in pool XCP 0.1.1
Hi Fabio:
In XenServer and XCP 0.1.0 I have this processes working fine using Python XAPI. Homologating XCP 0.1.1 to map the inconsistencies, this issue occurred and, as I planning to use many pools managed by my application, I can't use the approach for reset all pool to have this working. I think this is a bug because I haven't this behavior in oldest releases.
Cheers, On Thu, Apr 8, 2010 at 1:04 PM, Fabio Kung <fabio.kung@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I also had problems with open-vswitch and XCP 0.1.1 pools (standalone hosts work fine) while trying to use a vlan-tagged interface as a management interface (with and without bonded interfaces).
I know this is unsupported even in XenServer (before XCP), but I was able to do it with xe emergency-transition-to-master for each host inside the pool. After all hosts have the management on vlan-tagged interfaces, I just rebuild the pool.
On XCP 0.1.1, I first created the Network/VLAN pair in all hosts inside the pool using the xe CLI (xe pool-vlan-create). Then, through pool's master xsconsole, I changed master's management to the vlan-tagged interface. At this moment, the master lost communication with other hosts in the pool, as expected.
Then, I went to one of the slave hosts and made it a temporary master (xe emergency-transition-to-master). The problem is that when I set the vlan-tagged interface as the management, the host somehow starts to communicate with the original master and open-vswitch cuts the link between then. I could see that the vlan-tagged port inside open-vswitch went down at one of the sides (I'm almost sure at original master's side).
I'm sorry I don't have logs anymore and I'm not really sure this is a bug. But with XenServer 5.5.x (in regular bridge mode) this works just fine.
I guess this may be not a very common requirement, but in my case the management interface must be vlan-tagged and bonded. For me, it's a blocker and I would be glad to help further investigating the issue.
Thanks in advance, -- Fabio Kung
Hi all:
I have a pool with 2 hosts XCP 0.1.1 configured and, when I'm creating a VM using a tagged vlan, the second server freeze and only ICMP request is responding in this server. I set the XCP to use bridge instead vswitch. I have no more information in this moment but if you need that please let me know.
Cheers, -- Marco Sinhoreli
xen-api mailing list
-- Marco Sinhoreli
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