# HG changeset patch
# User Rob Hoes <rob.hoes@xxxxxxxxxx>
CP-1622: XenAPI functions for masking CPU features
There are two new functions:
* Host.set_cpu_features, for applying feature masks
* Host.reset_cpu_features, for removing all current masks
Signed-off-by: Rob Hoes <rob.hoes@xxxxxxxxxx>
diff -r 1cbc49ef217a ocaml/xapi/xapi_host.ml
--- a/ocaml/xapi/xapi_host.ml Tue Feb 16 22:52:01 2010 +0000
+++ b/ocaml/xapi/xapi_host.ml Tue Feb 16 22:54:32 2010 +0000
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
open Pervasiveext
open Stringext
+open Listext
open Threadext
open Xapi_host_helpers
open Xapi_support
@@ -1262,12 +1263,47 @@
debug "Refreshing software_version";
let software_version = Create_misc.make_software_version () in
Db.Host.set_software_version ~__context ~self:host
let set_cpu_features ~__context ~host ~features =
debug "Set CPU features";
- ()
+ (* check restrictions *)
+ if not (Restrictions.ok_for_cpu_masking ()) then
+ raise (Api_errors.Server_error (Api_errors.feature_restricted,
+ let cpuid = Cpuid.read_cpu_info () in
+ (* parse features string *)
+ let features =
+ try Cpuid.string_to_features features
+ with Cpuid.InvalidFeatureString e ->
+ raise (Api_errors.Server_error
(Api_errors.invalid_feature_string, [e]))
+ in
+ (* check masking is possible *)
+ begin try
+ Cpuid.assert_maskability cpuid cpuid.Cpuid.manufacturer features
+ with
+ | Cpuid.MaskingNotSupported e ->
+ raise (Api_errors.Server_error
(Api_errors.cpu_feature_masking_not_supported, [e]))
+ | Cpuid.InvalidFeatureString e ->
+ raise (Api_errors.Server_error
(Api_errors.invalid_feature_string, [e]))
+ | Cpuid.ManufacturersDiffer -> () (* cannot happen *)
+ end;
+ (* add masks to Xen command line *)
+ ignore (Xen_cmdline.delete_cpuid_masks ["cpuid_mask_ecx";
"cpuid_mask_edx"; "cpuid_mask_ext_ecx"; "cpuid_mask_ext_edx"]);
+ let new_masks = Cpuid.xen_masking_string cpuid features in
+ ignore (Xen_cmdline.set_cpuid_masks new_masks);
+ (* update database *)
+ let cpu_info = Db.Host.get_cpu_info ~__context ~self:host in
+ let cpu_info = List.replace_assoc "features_after_reboot"
(Cpuid.features_to_string features) cpu_info in
+ Db.Host.set_cpu_info ~__context ~self:host ~value:cpu_info
let reset_cpu_features ~__context ~host =
debug "Reset CPU features";
- ()
+ ignore (Xen_cmdline.delete_cpuid_masks ["cpuid_mask_ecx";
"cpuid_mask_edx"; "cpuid_mask_ext_ecx"; "cpuid_mask_ext_edx"]);
+ let cpu_info = Db.Host.get_cpu_info ~__context ~self:host in
+ let physical_features = List.assoc "physical_features" cpu_info in
+ let cpu_info = List.replace_assoc "features_after_reboot"
physical_features cpu_info in
+ Db.Host.set_cpu_info ~__context ~self:host ~value:cpu_info
diff -r 1cbc49ef217a ocaml/xapi/xapi_host.mli
--- a/ocaml/xapi/xapi_host.mli Tue Feb 16 22:52:01 2010 +0000
+++ b/ocaml/xapi/xapi_host.mli Tue Feb 16 22:54:32 2010 +0000
@@ -227,15 +227,15 @@
(** {2 Licensing} *)
-val apply_edition : __context:Context.t -> host:API.ref_host -> edition:string
-> unit
(** Attempt to activate the given edition (one of "free", "enterprise" or
* In needed, the function automatically checks v6 licenses in and out
* from the license server (via the v6 daemon). If the requested edition is
* available, the call will fail with an exception, leaving the edition as it
* Also call this function to change to a different license server, after the
* connection details in host.license_server have been amended. *)
+val apply_edition : __context:Context.t -> host:API.ref_host -> edition:string
-> unit
(** {2 CPU Feature Masking} *)
(** Set the CPU features to be used after a reboot, if the given features
string is valid. *)
Description: Text document
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