# HG changeset patch
# User David Scott <dave.scott@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
# Date 1265393525 0
# Node ID 6df3691a937f356c8d104eab4a08349da689b10f
# Parent 25ccf85b0d062d9f0c9edf5274b0c7e3b6f7ab02
CA-37090: fix a bug in the 'lifecycle' quicktest test and make it (and the very
slow stop_using_these_vdis test) not run by default. This makes quicktest take
6 minutes rather than 16 minutes.
Signed-off-by: David Scott <dave.scott@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
diff -r 25ccf85b0d06 -r 6df3691a937f ocaml/xapi/quicktest.ml
--- a/ocaml/xapi/quicktest.ml Thu Feb 04 18:42:33 2010 +0000
+++ b/ocaml/xapi/quicktest.ml Fri Feb 05 18:12:05 2010 +0000
@@ -372,7 +372,10 @@
| _ -> ()
(* CP-831 *)
-let test_vhd_locking_hook test session_id vm =
+let test_vhd_locking_hook session_id vm =
+ let test = make_test "test vhd locking hook" 2 in
+ start test;
+ Client.VM.start !rpc session_id vm false false;
(* Add a new VDI whose VBD is unplugged (so 2 plugged, 1 unplugged *)
let vbds = Client.VM.get_VBDs !rpc session_id vm in
let vdis = List.map (fun vbd -> Client.VBD.get_VDI !rpc session_id vbd) vbds
@@ -412,7 +415,8 @@
debug test (Printf.sprintf "lvhd-script-hook tool %.2f seconds; output
was: %s" (Unix.gettimeofday () -. start') result);
Thread.join t;
- debug test (Printf.sprintf "Meanwhile background thread executed %d
conflicting operations" !total_bg_ops)
+ debug test (Printf.sprintf "Meanwhile background thread executed %d
conflicting operations" !total_bg_ops);
+ success test
let powercycle_test session_id vm =
let test = make_test "Powercycling VM" 1 in
@@ -435,7 +439,6 @@
debug test "Starting VM";
Client.VM.start !rpc session_id vm false false;
- test_vhd_locking_hook test session_id vm;
delay ();
debug test "Rebooting VM";
Client.VM.clean_reboot !rpc session_id vm;
@@ -599,32 +602,39 @@
let make_vif ~session_id ~vM ~network ~device =
Client.VIF.create ~rpc:!rpc ~session_id ~vM ~network ~mTU:1400L ~mAC:""
~device ~other_config:["promiscuous", "on"] ~qos_algorithm_type:""
-let vm_powercycle_test s =
+let with_debian s f =
let (_: API.ref_VM) = find_template s debian_etch in
- let test = make_test "Setting up VM for powercycle test" 0 in
+ let test = make_test "Setting up debian VM" 0 in
start test;
let debian = install_debian test s in
- (* Try to add some VIFs *)
- let (guest_installer_network: API.ref_network) =
find_guest_installer_network s in
- debug test (Printf.sprintf "Adding VIF to guest installer network (%s)"
(Client.Network.get_uuid !rpc s guest_installer_network));
- let (_: API.ref_VIF) = make_vif ~session_id:s ~vM:debian
~network:guest_installer_network ~device:"0" in
- begin match Client.PIF.get_all !rpc s with
- | pif :: _ ->
- let net = Client.PIF.get_network !rpc s pif in
- debug test (Printf.sprintf "Adding VIF to physical network (%s)"
(Client.Network.get_uuid !rpc s net));
- let (_: API.ref_VIF) = make_vif ~session_id:s ~vM:debian ~network:net
~device:"1" in
- ()
- | _ -> ()
- end;
- vbd_pause_unpause_test s debian;
- powercycle_test s debian;
- Quicktest_lifecycle.test s debian;
- vm_uninstall test s debian;
- success test
+ f s debian;
+ vm_uninstall test s debian;
+ success test
with Unable_to_find_suitable_debian_template ->
(* SKIP *)
+let vm_powercycle_test s debian =
+ let test = make_test "VM powercycle test" 1 in
+ start test;
+ (* Try to add some VIFs *)
+ let (guest_installer_network: API.ref_network) =
find_guest_installer_network s in
+ debug test (Printf.sprintf "Adding VIF to guest installer network (%s)"
(Client.Network.get_uuid !rpc s guest_installer_network));
+ let (_: API.ref_VIF) = make_vif ~session_id:s ~vM:debian
~network:guest_installer_network ~device:"0" in
+ begin match Client.PIF.get_all !rpc s with
+ | pif :: _ ->
+ let net = Client.PIF.get_network !rpc s pif in
+ debug test (Printf.sprintf "Adding VIF to physical network
(%s)" (Client.Network.get_uuid !rpc s net));
+ let (_: API.ref_VIF) = make_vif ~session_id:s ~vM:debian
~network:net ~device:"1" in
+ ()
+ | _ -> ()
+ end;
+ vbd_pause_unpause_test s debian;
+ powercycle_test s debian;
+ success test
let squeeze_test () =
let test = make_test "Memory squeezer tests" 0 in
@@ -635,11 +645,13 @@
else failed test "one or more scenarios failed"
let _ =
+ let all_tests = [ "storage"; "vm-placement"; "vm-memory-constraints";
"encodings"; "http"; "event"; "vdi"; "async"; "import"; "powercycle";
"squeezing"; "lifecycle"; "vhd" ] in
+ let default_tests = List.filter (fun x -> not(List.mem x [ "lifecycle";
"vhd" ])) all_tests in
- let possible_tests = [ "storage"; "vm-placement"; "vm-memory-constraints";
"encodings"; "http"; "event"; "vdi"; "async"; "import"; "powercycle";
"squeezing" ] in
- let only_this_test = ref "" in (* default is run everything *)
+ let tests_to_run = ref default_tests in (* default is everything *)
- [ "-single", Arg.Set_string only_this_test, Printf.sprintf "Only run one
test (possibilities are %s)" (String.concat ", " possible_tests) ;
+ [ "-single", Arg.String (fun x -> tests_to_run := [ x ]), Printf.sprintf
"Only run one test (possibilities are %s)" (String.concat ", " all_tests) ;
+ "-all", Arg.Unit (fun () -> tests_to_run := all_tests),
Printf.sprintf "Run all tests (%s)" (String.concat ", " all_tests);
"-nocolour", Arg.Clear Quicktest_common.use_colour, "Don't use colour in
the output" ]
(fun x -> match !host, !username, !password with
| "", _, _ -> host := x; rpc := rpc_remote; using_unix_domain_socket :=
@@ -651,8 +663,8 @@
if !username = "" then username := "root";
let maybe_run_test name f =
- assert (List.mem name possible_tests);
- if !only_this_test = "" || !only_this_test = name then f () in
+ assert (List.mem name all_tests);
+ if List.mem name !tests_to_run then f () in
Stunnel.init_stunnel_path ();
let s = init_session !username !password in
@@ -669,7 +681,10 @@
maybe_run_test "vdi" (fun () -> vdi_test s);
maybe_run_test "async" (fun () -> async_test s);
maybe_run_test "import" (fun () -> import_export_test s);
- maybe_run_test "powercycle" (fun () -> vm_powercycle_test s);
+ maybe_run_test "vhd" (fun () -> with_debian s test_vhd_locking_hook);
+ maybe_run_test "powercycle" (fun () -> with_debian s
+ maybe_run_test "lifecycle" (fun () -> with_debian s
| Api_errors.Server_error (a,b) ->
output_string stderr (Printf.sprintf "%s: %s" a (String.concat ","
diff -r 25ccf85b0d06 -r 6df3691a937f ocaml/xapi/quicktest_common.ml
--- a/ocaml/xapi/quicktest_common.ml Thu Feb 04 18:42:33 2010 +0000
+++ b/ocaml/xapi/quicktest_common.ml Fri Feb 05 18:12:05 2010 +0000
@@ -93,6 +93,8 @@
let make_test name indent = { name = name; indent = indent; status = Pending }
let rec failed (test: test_description) msg =
+ if not (Hashtbl.mem all_tests test.name)
+ then failwith (Printf.sprintf "Test not started: %s" test.name);
if Hashtbl.mem all_tests test.name then Hashtbl.remove all_tests test.name;
test.status <- Failed;
debug test msg;
@@ -119,6 +121,9 @@
flush stdout
let success (test: test_description) =
+ if not (Hashtbl.mem all_tests test.name)
+ then failwith (Printf.sprintf "Test not started: %s" test.name);
if Hashtbl.mem all_tests test.name then Hashtbl.remove all_tests test.name;
if test.status = Pending then begin
incr total_passed;
diff -r 25ccf85b0d06 -r 6df3691a937f ocaml/xapi/quicktest_lifecycle.ml
--- a/ocaml/xapi/quicktest_lifecycle.ml Thu Feb 04 18:42:33 2010 +0000
+++ b/ocaml/xapi/quicktest_lifecycle.ml Fri Feb 05 18:12:05 2010 +0000
@@ -150,7 +150,12 @@
| Internal_halt -> Xc.Halt
| Internal_crash -> Xc.Crash
| Internal_suspend -> Xc.Suspend in
- Xc.with_intf (fun xc ->
Xc.domain_shutdown xc (Int64.to_int domid) reason)
+ begin
+ try
+ Xc.with_intf (fun xc ->
Xc.domain_shutdown xc (Int64.to_int domid) reason)
+ with e ->
+ debug t (Printf.sprintf
"Ignoring exception: %s" (Printexc.to_string e))
+ end
| { api = Some x; parallel_op = Some y } ->
let reason = match y with
| Internal_reboot -> "reboot"
3 files changed, 54 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-)
ocaml/xapi/quicktest.ml | 71 ++++++++++++++++++++++---------------
ocaml/xapi/quicktest_common.ml | 5 ++
ocaml/xapi/quicktest_lifecycle.ml | 7 +++
Description: Text Data
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