[Xen-API] [PATCH] Fix terrible error message when bootloader fails
# HG changeset patch
# User David Scott <dave.scott@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
# Date 1264517064 0
# Node ID ca18fc5c917111068f242fe8b21b9e9558f3d5a9
# Parent 22cd3f304b9e0818b80ac5a40e6d4c6438c5e58a
CA-37080: fix terrible error message when a 'rhlike' guest (e.g. CentOS) cannot
be installed because an update file is missing in dom0.
Converts this:
[root@h07 ~]# xe vm-start vm=centos54
The bootloader returned an error
vm: 13b688dd-da80-1ee3-bbe8-875fffc5736f (centos54)
msg: Error from bootloader: Failed to parse the output of bootloader: ()
Into this:
[root@h07 ~]# xe vm-start vm=centos54
Error parameters: Dom0 does not contain a required file:
/opt/xensource/packages/files/guest-installer/el5.4-initrd-additions.cpio, ,
Thanks to Vern Burke for helping me debug this.
Signed-off-by: David Scott <dave.scott@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
diff -r 22cd3f304b9e -r ca18fc5c9171 ocaml/xapi/bootloader.ml
--- a/ocaml/xapi/bootloader.ml Thu Jan 21 15:45:09 2010 +0000
+++ b/ocaml/xapi/bootloader.ml Tue Jan 26 14:44:24 2010 +0000
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
let parse_output x =
let sexpr = "(" ^ x ^ ")" in
- let parse_failed = Error(Printf.sprintf "Failed to parse the output of
bootloader: %s" sexpr) in
+ let parse_failed = Error(Printf.sprintf "Expecting an s-expression;
received: %s" sexpr) in
let sexpr' = SExpr_TS.of_string sexpr in
match sexpr' with
(* linux (kernel /var/lib/xen/vmlinuz.y1Wmrp)(args 'root=/dev/sda1 ro') *)
@@ -68,6 +68,11 @@
debug "Failed to parse: %s" sexpr;
raise parse_failed
+let parse_exception x =
+ match Stringext.String.split '\n' x with
+ | code :: params -> raise (Api_errors.Server_error(code, params))
+ | _ -> failwith (Printf.sprintf "Failed to parse stderr output of
bootloader: %s" x)
(** Extract the default kernel using the -q option *)
let extract_default_kernel bootloader disks legacy_args extra_args
pv_bootloader_args vm_uuid =
let bootloader_path = List.assoc bootloader Xapi_globs.supported_bootloaders
@@ -78,34 +83,11 @@
let disk = List.hd disks in
let cmdline = bootloader_args true extra_args legacy_args pv_bootloader_args
disk vm_uuid in
debug "Bootloader commandline: %s %s\n" bootloader_path (String.concat " "
+ try
+ parse_output (Helpers.call_script ~log_successful_output:false
bootloader_path cmdline)
+ with Forkhelpers.Spawn_internal_error(stderr, stdout, _) ->
+ parse_exception stderr
- let result_out, result_in = Unix.pipe() in
- let fds_to_close = ref [ result_out; result_in ] in
- let close' fd =
- if List.mem fd !fds_to_close
- then (Unix.close fd; fds_to_close := List.filter (fun x -> x <> fd)
!fds_to_close) in
- finally (* make sure I close all my open fds in the end *)
- (fun () ->
- (* Capture stderr output for logging *)
- match with_logfile_fd "bootloader"
- (fun log_fd ->
- let pid = safe_close_and_exec None (Some result_in) (Some log_fd) []
bootloader_path cmdline in
- (* parent *)
- List.iter close' [ result_in ];
- finally (* always waitpid eventually *)
- (fun () ->
- let output = Unixext.read_whole_file 500 500 result_out in
- (* Do something with it *)
- parse_output output)
- (fun () -> waitpid pid)) with
- | Success(_, x) -> debug "bootloader subprocess succeeded"; x
- | Failure(log, Subprocess_failed n) ->
- raise (Error (Printf.sprintf "Return code: %d; Log = %s" n log))
- | Failure(log, exn) ->
- debug "Error from bootloader: %s" log;
- raise exn)
- (fun () -> List.iter Unix.close !fds_to_close)
let delete_extracted_kernel x =
Unix.unlink x.kernel_path;
match x.initrd_path with
1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-)
ocaml/xapi/bootloader.ml | 38 ++++++++++----------------------------
Description: Text Data
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