# HG changeset patch
# User Rob Hoes <rob.hoes@xxxxxxxxxx>
Move config-file related function into separate module
...to resolve cyclic dependencies. These are functions that used to be in the
Helpers module, and used by the Xapi module on start-up.
Signed-off-by: Rob Hoes <rob.hoes@xxxxxxxxxx>
diff -r 4d2fa3cfc8e1 ocaml/xapi/OMakefile
--- a/ocaml/xapi/OMakefile Tue Dec 08 11:23:27 2009 +0000
+++ b/ocaml/xapi/OMakefile Tue Dec 08 12:30:33 2009 +0000
@@ -228,7 +228,8 @@
../database/db_hiupgrade \
certificates \
../license/v6client \
- bios_strings
+ bios_strings \
+ xapi_config
OCamlProgram(xapi, $(XAPI_MODULES))
OCamlDocProgram(xapi, $(XAPI_MODULES))
diff -r 4d2fa3cfc8e1 ocaml/xapi/helpers.ml
--- a/ocaml/xapi/helpers.ml Tue Dec 08 11:23:27 2009 +0000
+++ b/ocaml/xapi/helpers.ml Tue Dec 08 12:30:33 2009 +0000
@@ -426,105 +426,6 @@
(** Indicates whether ballooning is enabled for the given virtual machine. *)
let ballooning_enabled_for_vm ~__context vm_record = true
-let clear_log level key =
- let clear_f =
- if key = "" then
- Logs.clear_default
- else
- Logs.clear key in
- if level = "" then (
- List.iter (fun level -> clear_f level)
- [ Log.Error; Log.Warn; Log.Info; Log.Debug ]
- ) else (
- let loglevel = match level with
- | "debug" -> Log.Debug
- | "info" -> Log.Info
- | "warn" -> Log.Warn
- | "error" -> Log.Error
- | s -> failwith (sprintf "Unknown log level: %s" s) in
- clear_f loglevel
- )
-let append_log level key logger =
- (* if key is empty, append to the default logger *)
- let append =
- if key = "" then
- Logs.append_default
- else
- Logs.append key in
- (* if level is empty, append to all level *)
- if level = "" then (
- List.iter (fun level -> append level logger)
- [ Log.Error; Log.Warn; Log.Info; Log.Debug ]
- ) else (
- let loglevel = match level with
- | "debug" -> Log.Debug
- | "info" -> Log.Info
- | "warn" -> Log.Warn
- | "error" -> Log.Error
- | s -> failwith (sprintf "Unknown log level: %s" s) in
- append loglevel logger
- )
-let read_log_config filename =
- let trim_end lc s =
- let i = ref (String.length s - 1) in
- while !i > 0 && (List.mem s.[!i] lc)
- do
- decr i
- done;
- if !i >= 0 then String.sub s 0 (!i + 1) else ""
- in
- Unixext.readfile_line (fun line ->
- let line = trim_end [ ' '; '\t' ] line in
- if String.startswith "#" line then
- ()
- else
- let ls = String.split ~limit:3 ';' line in
- match ls with
- | [ "reset" ] ->
- Logs.reset_all []
- | [ level; key; "clear" ] ->
- clear_log level key
- | [ level; key; logger ] ->
- append_log level key logger
- | _ ->
- ()
- ) filename
-let read_config filename =
- let set_log s =
- let ls = String.split ~limit:3 ';' s in
- match ls with
- | [ level; key; logger ] ->
- append_log level key logger
- | _ ->
- warn "format mismatch: expecting 3 arguments"
- in
- let configargs = [
- "license_filename", Config.Set_string License.filename;
- "http-port", Config.Set_int http_port;
- "stunnelng", Config.Set_bool Stunnel.use_new_stunnel;
- "log", Config.String set_log;
- "gc-debug", Config.Set_bool Xapi_globs.xapi_gc_debug;
- ] in
- try
- Config.read filename configargs (fun _ _ -> ())
- with Config.Error ls ->
- List.iter (fun (p,s) ->
- eprintf "config file error: %s: %s\n" p s) ls;
- exit 2
-let dump_config () =
- debug "Server configuration:";
- debug "product_version: %s" Version.product_version;
- debug "product_brand: %s" Version.product_brand;
- debug "build_number: %s" Version.build_number;
- debug "hg changeset: %s" Version.hg_id;
- debug "version: %d.%d" version_major version_minor;
- debug "License filename: %s" !License.filename
let get_vm_metrics ~__context ~self =
let metrics = Db.VM.get_metrics ~__context ~self in
diff -r 4d2fa3cfc8e1 ocaml/xapi/xapi.ml
--- a/ocaml/xapi/xapi.ml Tue Dec 08 11:23:27 2009 +0000
+++ b/ocaml/xapi/xapi.ml Tue Dec 08 12:30:33 2009 +0000
@@ -721,14 +721,14 @@
Server_helpers.exec_with_new_task "server_init" (fun __context ->
Startup.run ~__context [
- "Reading config file", [], (fun () -> Helpers.read_config
- "Reading log config file", [ Startup.NoExnRaising ], (fun () ->
Helpers.read_log_config !Xapi_globs.log_config_file);
+ "Reading config file", [], (fun () -> Xapi_config.read_config
+ "Reading log config file", [ Startup.NoExnRaising ], (fun () ->
Xapi_config.read_log_config !Xapi_globs.log_config_file);
"Initing stunnel path", [], Stunnel.init_stunnel_path;
"XAPI SERVER STARTING", [], print_server_starting_message;
"Parsing inventory file", [], Xapi_inventory.read_inventory;
"Initialising local database", [], init_local_database;
"Reading pool secret", [], Helpers.get_pool_secret;
- "Logging xapi version info", [], Helpers.dump_config;
+ "Logging xapi version info", [], Xapi_config.dump_config;
"Checking control domain", [], check_control_domain;
"Setting signal handlers", [], signals_handling;
"Setting up domain 0 xenstore keys", [], domain0_setup;
diff -r 4d2fa3cfc8e1 ocaml/xapi/xapi_config.ml
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ocaml/xapi/xapi_config.ml Tue Dec 08 12:30:33 2009 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Citrix Systems Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
+ * by the Free Software Foundation; version 2.1 only. with the special
+ * exception on linking described in file LICENSE.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *)
+(* Note: this used to be in Helpers; moved due to cyclic dependencies relating
to License *)
+open Xapi_globs
+open Printf
+open Stringext
+module D=Debug.Debugger(struct let name="xapi" end)
+open D
+let clear_log level key =
+ let clear_f =
+ if key = "" then
+ Logs.clear_default
+ else
+ Logs.clear key in
+ if level = "" then (
+ List.iter (fun level -> clear_f level)
+ [ Log.Error; Log.Warn; Log.Info; Log.Debug ]
+ ) else (
+ let loglevel = match level with
+ | "debug" -> Log.Debug
+ | "info" -> Log.Info
+ | "warn" -> Log.Warn
+ | "error" -> Log.Error
+ | s -> failwith (sprintf "Unknown log level: %s" s) in
+ clear_f loglevel
+ )
+let append_log level key logger =
+ (* if key is empty, append to the default logger *)
+ let append =
+ if key = "" then
+ Logs.append_default
+ else
+ Logs.append key in
+ (* if level is empty, append to all level *)
+ if level = "" then (
+ List.iter (fun level -> append level logger)
+ [ Log.Error; Log.Warn; Log.Info; Log.Debug ]
+ ) else (
+ let loglevel = match level with
+ | "debug" -> Log.Debug
+ | "info" -> Log.Info
+ | "warn" -> Log.Warn
+ | "error" -> Log.Error
+ | s -> failwith (sprintf "Unknown log level: %s" s) in
+ append loglevel logger
+ )
+let read_log_config filename =
+ let trim_end lc s =
+ let i = ref (String.length s - 1) in
+ while !i > 0 && (List.mem s.[!i] lc)
+ do
+ decr i
+ done;
+ if !i >= 0 then String.sub s 0 (!i + 1) else ""
+ in
+ Unixext.readfile_line (fun line ->
+ let line = trim_end [ ' '; '\t' ] line in
+ if String.startswith "#" line then
+ ()
+ else
+ let ls = String.split ~limit:3 ';' line in
+ match ls with
+ | [ "reset" ] ->
+ Logs.reset_all []
+ | [ level; key; "clear" ] ->
+ clear_log level key
+ | [ level; key; logger ] ->
+ append_log level key logger
+ | _ ->
+ ()
+ ) filename
+let read_config filename =
+ let set_log s =
+ let ls = String.split ~limit:3 ';' s in
+ match ls with
+ | [ level; key; logger ] ->
+ append_log level key logger
+ | _ ->
+ warn "format mismatch: expecting 3 arguments"
+ in
+ let configargs = [
+ "license_filename", Config.Set_string License.filename;
+ "http-port", Config.Set_int http_port;
+ "stunnelng", Config.Set_bool Stunnel.use_new_stunnel;
+ "log", Config.String set_log;
+ "gc-debug", Config.Set_bool Xapi_globs.xapi_gc_debug;
+ ] in
+ try
+ Config.read filename configargs (fun _ _ -> ())
+ with Config.Error ls ->
+ List.iter (fun (p,s) ->
+ eprintf "config file error: %s: %s\n" p s) ls;
+ exit 2
+let dump_config () =
+ debug "Server configuration:";
+ debug "product_version: %s" Version.product_version;
+ debug "product_brand: %s" Version.product_brand;
+ debug "build_number: %s" Version.build_number;
+ debug "hg changeset: %s" Version.hg_id;
+ debug "version: %d.%d" version_major version_minor;
+ debug "License filename: %s" !License.filename
Description: Text document
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