Xen API discussion (date)
July 05, 2007
- Re: [Xen-API] Authentication on XenAPi, Saurabh Garg, 21:40
- [Xen-API] Problem with c bindings network record, nikolanikov, 10:17
- [Xen-API] API Docs, Richard Hartmann, 09:33
- Re: [Xen-API] More specific questions about creating a domU via the API, Tom Wilkie, 09:32
- Re: [Xen-API] Access rights to domU, John Levon, 09:30
- [Xen-API] More specific questions about creating a domU via the API, Richard Hartmann, 09:28
- [Xen-API] Authentication on XenAPi, lestat thor, 07:47
- Re: [Xen-API] Access rights to domU, Tom Wilkie, 07:31
- Re: [Xen-API] Access rights to domU, Richard Hartmann, 06:51
- Re: [Xen-API] Access rights to domU, Tom Wilkie, 06:46
- [Xen-API] Start/Shutdown not a task?, Richard Hartmann, 06:36
- [Xen-API] Access rights to domU, Richard Hartmann, 06:35
- [Xen-API] Reference implementation, Richard Hartmann, 06:33