I have a problem using managed domains.
I'm trying to to create a new VM object using the method VM.create. In this case xend should
create a config.sxp file for the new managed domain, but I get an error in xend.log
(s. below). The creation of the VM object itself is OK.
API call:
newvm = xen.VM.create(session,{ 'name_label':'testdom',
'memory_static_max' : '10240000',
'memory_dynamic_max' : '10240000'})
Resulting error log:
[2007-04-24 13:35:33 24434] DEBUG (XendDomain:728) Creating new managed domain: dube: af845f26-ed19-fab1-c4ff-05a27c41046d
[2007-04-24 13:35:33 24434] ERROR (XendDomain:302) Renaming /tmp/tmp0PfFzy
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python2.4/xen/xend/XendDomain.py", line 300, in managed_config_save
os.rename(fn, self._managed_config_path(dom_uuid))
OSError: [Errno 18] Invalid cross-device link
In my system the default path for managed domains (/var/lib/xend/domains) is used and the
directories /var and /tmp are on different file systems, so the system call os.rename must fail.
My workaround is to set xend-domains-path in xend-config.sxp to a directory on the same file system.
Will this restriction be removed in a later version of xend ?
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