Re: [Xen-API] Xen-API call on 8/16?
On Tue, Aug 15, 2006 at 02:37:19PM -0700, Gareth S Bestor wrote:
> We kinda left things up in the air last week about whether to have a Xen
> API call this week (or move it, and/or change it to every other).
> Ewan/Daniel - do you have a preference? I'm happy to skip the call this
> week if there's no significant developments on the API front.
> Ewan - any updated ETA on when this will show up in xen-unstable (and the
> fur really starts to fly :-)?
I've no questions which need a telco - discussions on this mailing list are
progressing fine from my POV. So might as well skip the call until Ewan puts
out another code snapshot for review.
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