Re: [Xen-API] XSDL schemas for Xen virtual machine configurations
On Tue, Aug 01, 2006 at 03:21:06PM -0400, Andrew D. Ball wrote:
> Please pardon my ignorance if this had already been discussed.
> Has there been any work on standardizing schemas for Xen virtual machine
> configurations? I really like XSDL schemas instead of DTD's.
> Regardless, I'd like to have schemas that
> (1) Indicate which version of Xen they require.
> (2) Enumerate exactly which options are available.
Which may be extremely hard to express with XSD (if not impossible) due
to the lack of support for co-occurence constaints (things like "you can
have a vmx children to a domain node only if there is no kernel attribute
on the parent" are impossible top express with XSD, making versionning
near impossible). I suggest reading about Relax-NG
Daniel Veillard | Red Hat http://redhat.com/
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